The Village ~4~

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I opened my eyes and tried to sit up but I was in a lot of pain.

"C-Clarke, Anya!" I screamed.

No one answered.

I sat up and looked around, all I saw was blood next to me and water on rocks that looks to be fresh.

Did they leave me here? Or were they taken?

"Clarke!" I screamed again.

"Shit!" I punched the ground and instantly regretted it when my knuckles started pounding.

I stood up and got my balance then started walking towards the dropship. If there are any survivors, they'll be there.


Oh how wrong was I, I made it to the dropship within 2 hours because I got lost on the way and tripped down a small hill but managed to get all bruised and scratched, well, more than I already was.

"Clarke!" I screamed again, in pain and regret.

"Please, anyone." I sunk down.

Then I saw it, some sort of balloon I think. I was high in the air and wasn't that far from here.

"I knew it, I knew you were alive." I whispered.

I pulled myself up again and forced myself to walk.

I heard a gun sound and saw a few green lasers and knew the mountain men were behind me.

"Maxynn Collins, surrender!" A guard shouted.

I ran into the woods and tried to memorize the direction of the balloon because I couldn't lead the mountain men their way and ran the opposite way.

I made a confusing and complicated trail for them to follow and eventually got rid of them but not unharmed. A bullet scraped my arm and I twisted my ankle a few times but I think I'm close to my people.


I heard a few gun shots go off and new it was my people but who are they shorting at?

Maybe I didn't do a well enough job tipping off the mountain men.. It's my fault..

I started running towards the shots and they died down after a few seconds but before I made it, what I saw made me forget every inch of pain surging through my body.

Clarke and Anya were being carried away by our people.

We look like grounders because of our clothes..

"Stop! Stop it! We're not grounders!" I screamed as I ran up to the guards.

Two turned and held their guns up to me.

We're in the camp and people turned to stare at me.

You'd think even in the dark, your own people would recognize you but that's apparently not true.

"I'm M-"

"Clarke?!" Abby cried out once she recognized her daughter.

"Max, Maxynn! Is that you?!" Raven, I would've liked a different person but she gets points for being the only damn person to realize I'm not a grounder.

"Yes. I'm here.. I'm okay." Although I don't think I am because I felt my legs get numb and then I felt someone catch me.


I woke up to Clarke and her mother talking.

"Thelonious didn't make it and Kane left two days ago to try and make peace with the grounders to get you and the others back." Abby spoke.

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