Beginning of it All

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Liam's POV
I met Niall, Louis, Harry, and Zayn on the X-FACTOR about 2 years ago. I always knew that I was gay but I never told anyone. When I first met the boys I knew we where going to be more than friends. One night during the X-FACTOR we where talking and getting to know each other and I found out that they are all gay like me. After they confesses I decided that I would tell them so I did and they accepted me. I knew we where going to be great friends. After we came on third on the X-FACTOR we decided to continue the band. By then my feelings grew even more for them. So I decided to just give up and talk to the boys. That night I told the boys That I loved all of them and apparently they felt the same way so I asked them if they would do the pleasure of becoming my boyfriends and they all said yes. After that night everything changed, we all go closer bc of our relationship. I finally broke down and kissed Niall for the first time. Niall ended up being my first kiss. Louis was my second. Zayn was my third and Harry was my fourth. When we did the X-FACTOR tour we requested to share a bedroom bc we wouldn't take up that much room but in reality the reason why we did that was bc we could cuddle and kiss any time we wanted to. We also all shared a bed. Sadly when the your ended we took a two month break before we started recording our first album. We made sure that we has each others numbers so we could text or call then we went out separate ways for two months. I would text the boys every day and I would call them weekly. My parents still didn't know I was gay. I was kinda scared to tell them bc I was afraid of how they would react. My parents are really over-protective of me bc of what happened to me when I was younger that's why I don't want to tell them. The first month flee by really quickly but the second took forever. Finally it ended so I packed my stuff bc we where going to buy a flat in London for us to live at when we where in London. As soon as my stuff was ready I grabbed my stuff and I said bye to my parents and I drive off to London to start a new chapter in my life.

Author's Note
I caved in and I decided to write a One Direction story. Hope you guys enjoy the next chapter will be in present day.

Being Together  ZianourryNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ