The Big News Part One

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Author's Note:

First of all I'm so sorry guys I've had massive writers block but i think i'm ready to continue all of my stories. Enjoy the chapter guys <3 <3

Harry's POV

I can't believe Niall ran off he has never done that, I wonder what's wrong. I hope he's okay...... Lou left about an hour ago and we haven't heard from Lou or Paul.

Lou's POV

I'm so happy I found my baby, I missed him so much, I turned off my phone because I know the others are going to be trying to contact us and ask what happened and I know Ni doesn't want to talk to them right now. All he wants right now is to be alone with me. So I found the best hotel I could find in five minutes. Luckily we had Dan and Phil's help, they are amazing I now understand why Ni loves them a lot. Anyway we say goodbye and tell Paul that we will head back to tour in a couple days and to not tell the others anything and he agrees to give us some space to talk and figure out what to do about our massive relationship. After we say goodbye to Paul Ni and I rent a car and we go to our hotel. Once we get to the hotel I hear Ni let out a big sign of relief and he comes over to me and gives me a hug and I look into his beautiful eyes and they tears in them. I tell him to let it all out and he did. While he cried I just held him and I told him that everything is going to be okay.

10 minutes later

Niall's POV

I'm finally cheered up, Lou really knows how to cheer me up. He got me Nandos and he sang to me until I calmed down. So we ate some food and honestly this is the happiest I've been in awhile. After eating he asked me the big question, "Why did you run away babe?" I said, "I ran away because I wasn't happy, I truly wasn't. I'm only happy when I'm with you Lou. The other boys don't really make me happy. I mean Harry always steals you and Liam and Zayn are always together and that leaves me alone. So I started distancing myself from all of you. Whenever we weren't doing a concert, rehearsal, or an interview I went to my room or I went to go hang out with Josh because he made me feel included." Lou said, "I'm so sorry baby, I wish you would of told me. Honestly Harry just hangouts with me all the time because of my ass and I have noticed that Zayn and Liam are always with one another and it's not fair to you. But Ni, I love you more, you are my little irish snowflake and you always bring a smile to my face. It physically hurts me everytime you are sad or down. I should of done more to protect you. You''re my baby. I love you so much." I said, "I love you so much. I forgive you Boobear." Then I pull him into a kiss......
The next day
Liam's POV
I'm starting to get really worried we haven't heard from Lou or Ni. But Paul got back this morning and they weren't with him. I call the other boys down to my room and they come rushing down to my room. Harry looks like he's been crying and Zayn looks scared. I say, "Haz, Z have you heard from Niall or Louis?" Zayn says, "no I haven't, how about you Haz?" Harry tries to speak but nothing but tears come out. "So none of us have heard from them?" I say. They both shake their heads no. I pull Harry into my arms and I let him cry onto my shoulder and I pull Zayn into my arms and I just hold him. I'm Daddy Direction I have to stay strong for Z and Haz. Once they calm down we try to eat breakfast then we decided that we have to go find Paul, he's got to know something......
Niall's POV
I wake up and I look next to me and I see Louis sleeping peacefully. I smile to myself I'm so happy he stayed. I decide to get up and order us some room service while he's sleeping so the food can be here when he wakes up. After about 10 minutes, Lou wakes up and he looks over to me and smiles. While we wait for the food we catch up on what we have missed big news wise in the past couple months. Then Louis brings to my attention that we have to decide what we are going to do. We have a couple of options: we can break up with them but that would potentially ruin the band, we could tell them we need a break, but then one of them would catch us together, or we tell them the truth but there's still a massive chance it could ruin the band. The only thing I could think of is trying to get into a therapist. So I say, "Lou I think we should go to a couples therapy, that way I can say what I need to and they can't get mad because they wouldn't want to embarrass themselves." Louis says, "I think that's a great idea. Now where are we supposed to go next for tour because we can stay here till the concert then the next day we will go to therapy. How about we call Paul and find out where the next stop is?" I say, "I think that's a great idea babe." So we use the hotel phone because we turned off our phones so the boys can't get ahold of us and we dial Paul's number and when we do Zayn answers the phone. I quickly hung up the phone and it scared Lou. "What's wrong Ni?" "Zayn picked up the phone instead of Paul. Fuck they are probably questioning him and we told him not to say anything." "Relax babe just breathe, next time I'll call him and talk in a different voice, okay?" Louis says. "Can you call him now babe? I think we have a concert tomorrow night." I say. So Lou picks up the phone and calls Paul. Paul answers this time and he says that the next stop for the tour is in New York City and asks Lou if we will be at the show and Lou asked if he was going to tell the other boys and Paul says no so Lou says yes that we will be there. Our fans are more important than our romantic relationship. He says "great I'll see you all tomorrow. You don't have to come to rehearsal today as long as you practice the songs and dance moves together." Lou said, "yes we will, see you tomorrow." Then he hung up the phone. Once he gets off the phone with Paul, I call a couples therapist in New York and I set up an appointment with a man named Jonathan and he has worked with celebrities before. Once all that is done Lou and I decide to go on a walk...
After the walk
Louis' POV
I haven't seen Ni this happy in awhile. I can't believe the boys treated my baby so horribly. I'm gonna get back at them when Nialler isn't around because I can't hurt him anymore. Once we get back to the hotel we go up to the desk and ask if we can use their ballroom to practice and they thankfully said yes. So we go upstairs and change into our practice clothes and Ni grabs his speaker and we go down to the room. Once we get down to the room we set everything up. We take a picture of how the room is supposed to look because we had to move some things so we had room to dance and move around. After everything is done we get started.
Three hours later
Still Lou's POV
We finally got done running the show. I got to admit it was a little weird not doing it with the other boys but it was a good weird. Niall seems excited for the concert tomorrow which is great. I'm excited but I'm worried about what the boys are going to do or how they will react. I'm thinking that once the concert is finished Niall and I will go back to a different hotel. Paul likes having us separated anyway because of the fans. Anyway we put the room back the way it was and we head up to our hotel room. Niall jumps in the shower and I decide to put on a movie and once Niall gets out of the shower I jump in and he orders pizza for us. Once we get our food Niall goes in my lap and I put on a movie and we eat and cuddle till we decide we have to get some sleep. We set an alarm so we don't get up too late and miss our concert. We climb into bed and we share a long kiss and I say, "I love you Nialler." He says, "I love you Boobear." And we fall asleep in each other's arms.
The next day
Zayn's POV
It's the day of the concert and Liam is freaking out. It has officially been about a week since we have heard from Niall and two days since we have heard from Louis. Liam is trying to stay calm for me and Harry but I can tell he's about to explode. He hasn't slept much and he keeps going to the gym and that scares Harry. But anyway it's about 11 am and Paul comes into our room saying we have to get ready for rehearsal. Even though Liam doesn't want to and Harry definitely doesn't want to we go because we don't want to piss Paul off. We tried to question Paul yesterday about where the boys are and he wouldn't say anything and then we got this weird call from someone in Florida they called Paul then they immediately hung up so that distracted Paul and he kicked us out of his room and told us not to worry and just go to rehearsal. So we got in the separate cars and head to the arena. Hopefully the boys will at least show up to the concert.
2 hours before that in Florida
Niall's POV
Surprisingly me and Louis got up on time. I know that's surprising right. Anyway we get all packed up and we eat breakfast then we check out of the home and we head to the airport. Luckily we have a private jet so we didn't have to get on an actual plane because that would of taken too long. Once we get on the plane Louis pulls me into his lap and he starts distracting me because he knew I was scared to see the others. Let's not go into detail about what he did...
In New York
Still Niall's POV
We landed in New York and Paul picks us up from the airport. He says that the other boys have been very depressed and angry. I'm glad he warned us, anyway he brings us to the hotel where he promises that the other boys aren't staying at and we check in and put our stuff in the room. Then we decide to shower and by the time we are finished with all of that we grab a quick bite then we head to the dreaded concert.
At the Concert
Paul's POV
I made sure to separate the boys so while Harry, Liam, and Zayn are in hair and makeup, Niall and Louis are in the dressing room which is far away from the others. The goal is for them not to see each other till the concert starts. Once Harry Liam and Zayn are done with makeup I send them to their separate dressing rooms and then I send Niall and Louis to hair and makeup. Then it's time for the part we are all dreading.......... it's time for the boys to come together and get ready to perform.
Harry's POV
It is 10 minutes before the concert starts and we have seen no sign of Louis or Niall. But Paul is acting very strange so he's definitely hiding something. Anyway Paul comes to my dressing room first then we go get Liam and Zayn from their dressing room and then us three get into position by the stage and then Paul disappears again and he comes back like 5 minutes later with Niall and Louis. Then they quickly run to their opening position. I notice that Niall keeps looking at Louis for some odd reason and then I look at Zayn and Liam and they don't look very happy but we have no time to discuss this right now so we do our handshake and then Paul starts to count down 3.2.1 and we run onto the stage with fake smiles......
After the concert
Niall's POV
First of all I've never ever seen Liam or Zayn this angry and they really didn't try to hide it either. But I just keep looking over at Louis and he would mouth "I love you, we can do this." So I kept looking over at him and he kept doing things to make me smile. But the twitter questions during the show have never been this awkward. Louis tried to keep the fans distracted. Liam and Zayn were just done and didn't want to continue and Harry just looked sad. But I just watched Louis and I talked to the fans and I answered their questions. Finally the concert ended and I ran to the dressing room and Lou followed me considering we are sharing a dressing room for now and we quickly changed out of our concert clothes into our regular clothes and we left the arena. Thankfully Paul was already outside in the car ready to drive us back to the hotel. We get in the car and Paul says, "you all smell did you take a shower." I said, "no because we'd rather take one at the hotel." He shrugged and continued driving us back to the hotel. Once we got there he asked us what the plan was for tomorrow. So we said, "we are going to couples therapy before the next concert." Louis said, "I'll text you the address." We got out of the car and Paul waved goodbye and we went into the hotel. Once we got to our room Lou jumped in the shower and then I did. After we finished showering we ate dinner and talked about how therapy would go tomorrow.
The talk
L: I think Liam and Zayn aren't going to take the news well
N: definitely not and Harry's going to cry
L: no matter what happens babe I'm going to be there for you
N: thank you babe I'm scared
L: I am too babe. Liam is scary when he's mad
N: we got this together babe. Now matter what happens I'll always be by your side
L: me too Nialler, I love you so much
N: I love you so much Boobear
I leaned in and kissed Lou and let's just say we were both very happy after we were done.
The next day

Niall's POV

Today is the big day and i'm incredibly nervous. Louis looks really nervous and I feel so bad. We are in the car heading to the couples therapist. Liam, Zayn, and Harry have no idea what's going on, they just know they have to go somewhere. I have a million of questions running through my head right now like: Is he going to judge us because we are gay? Will he judged us because we were in a five person relationship? and so on and so on. Louis noticed that I looked down so he started to tell me some memories from when we were younger. We kept laughing until we got to our destination. Then we looked at each other and nodded. Louis grabbed my hand and squeezed it indicating that everything will be okay and he's going to be right next to me. Now the fun part getting inside the building without paparazzi catching us. So I walked in with Paul because of my claustrophobia, then Louis comes in with another bodyguard. Then about 5 minutes later Zayn, Harry, and Liam comes in. About 5 awkward minutes later, Jonathan comes out and calls all of our names. Now let me tell you this when Jonathan called our names Liam, Harry, and Zayn had a scared look on their face. They get up and follow us to the room. We get in the room and sit down. It's me then Louis, then Harry, then Liam, then Zayn on the end. First of all Jonathan gives us all a packet to fill out, we all fill it out the others look very confused. After paperwork, Jonathan tries to get to know us better before we start discussing the BIG issue. So he wants to know who does what in the band and what roles everyone plays. After that he asks me what is going on since i'm the one who made the appointment. I ask to step outside with Lou for a second. Once we step outside I ask Lou for a hug and I just break down and cry. Once I calm down I ask Lou if he can tell Jonathan what is wrong considering I can't bring myself to do it. He nods his head and he gave me a hug then we walked back to the room and sat down........

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