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Liam's POV

Today is the day that me and the guys are leaving for America for two months. I head downstairs to find Niall in the kitchen so I go up to him and give him a peck then I go over to the fridge to get some orange juice. Then I head back to my room to finish packing. Just incase anyone was wondering we all share a room most of the time but we do have separate rooms just in case Simon or Paul walks in because no one knows about our relationship. Anyway I grab my bags after I know I have everything packed and I take them downstairs then I go back upstairs to see if Zayn needs any help.

Louis' POV

I finish packing at about 10 a.m. and we are leaving for the airport at 1 since I'm already done I see that Li has his stuff by the door and I go see if Ni needs help and he does so I decided to help him like the nice boyfriend I am. After we are done we may or may not have made out a couple of times while we where packing we head downstairs to find everyone in the living room. "Hey guys do you want to order a pizza for lunch?" I ask the guys. "Sure I'll call and order 4 pizzas," Harry said. We decided to put in deadpool and we ate the pizza after it showed up and then we got ready to leave. Paul gets here around 12:40 and we decide that we might as well get there early.

Harry's POV

We just got to the airport and it is 1:00 and out flight leaves in 15 minutes. We have a private plane cause you know we are the biggest boy band in the world. We also requested to have our own because we want some time together before we have a show every single night for the next two months. We get boarded on the plane and I'm sitting next to Zayn. And Lou is sitting next to Liam and Niall but I'm pretty sure we are all going to more next to each other once we can stand and make sure that management won't come barging in but they shouldn't so lets get this plane ride over with. 20 minutes into the flight we all more next to each other and we are cuddling on the couch. And we just cuddle tell the pilot says that we have to buckle up and get ready for landing so we quickly untagle ourselfs from each other and we go back to the way we where sitting before hand. 

10 minutes later

Niall's POV

We just landed in America and I'm ready for the next two months being honest even though we are going to be really busy and we are hardly going to be able to see each other if you know what I mean. Lets get this craziness started

Being Together  ZianourryOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz