Chapter 6

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Dear Diary, 

Today I was talking with some of the other StormTroopers and they told me they've been here their whole life! I don't even want to be here for that long, and I was DYING to start my job! Anyway, they were telling me all of these stories about fighting rebels and taking down X-Wings and all of this other stuff. One of my favorites that they told me was about this Jedi named Luke Skywalker and Vader's obsession on finding out where he was. They said sometimes they searched for weeks in a row but then Vader would quickly change his ming and be like " He is not here ". AFTER They had been searching for all that time! If he knew he wasn't there he should have just said so...

Those old guys said that we've all got it easy now...... Which I totally don't get because personally, I think Kylo is pretty tough! They said "back in the day" anyone who merely said a word would be dead right on the spot. They also said that all of those legends about the Jedi, Lightsaber, all of them are true. I find this hard to believe but he claims that he's seen it all in action. I'm just surprised he's still alive....


MF - 2404 

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