Chapter 11

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Dear Diary,

Remember how I said that another pilot complimented me on my piloting skills? Well, it turns out, they didn't have the wrong person. They meant to talk to me, but didn't necessarily mean what they said.

Obviously, they were being sarcastic, I mean, I'm a new pilot who literally just came out of sanitation. Yep. I can understand what they mean.

Anyway, that wasn't the only thing that happened to me today. I was walking towards a TIE Fighter when I saw something shining from inside. So, I walked inside to see what it was, and, it moved.


I looked around the corner, expecting it to be a mouse droid or something, when I heard the engines start up... ... ...

A/N HAHA sorry for the extremely short chapter, I just felt that I needed to update something. I think I'm going to go on an updating spree today, so... yeah.

haha notice how I didn't sign off this chapter... ;)

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