Chapter 12

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I went back and read through this story and I was cringing so hard I though I would die. So, this chapter will probably be just as cringy. For this chapter, I'm going to be changing up the point of view, so just keep that in mind.

1,046 words

As I heard the engines start up, I turned around to find a man sitting in the pilots seat.
" Who are you!?" I yelled over the roaring engines.
"It doesn't matter! All that matters right now is getting out of here before we get ourselves killed!"
As I looked closer, I realized that this man certainly wasn't part of the First Order, but in fact part of the Resistance.
As he attempted to leave StarKiller base, we were being shot at and somehow, miraculously managed to leave without an extreme amount of damage to ship.
"So are you going to tell me who you are now?" I said, quite annoyed with this mystery man.
"Only if you tell me who you are and why the heck you got in my way while I was clearly in a rush and trying to escape."
"Well, I'm extremely sorry that I was in your way when you were the one who was hiding in my TIE Fighter."
"Listen, I just need you to cooperate with me so I can get back to the base to report back to the general and finish my mission."
"What about me!? I'm a StormTrooper! I can't just go walking into the resistance base! Besides, there is no way, that I'm staying there. Once we get there, I'm taking this TIE Fighter, and flying straight back to StarKiller base to report back to General Hux about where your base is!"
"Okay, there is absolutely no chance that's happening."
"Well I'm certainly not staying anywhere near the resistance."
"Fine. We'll figure it out when we get there. We're almost there anyway, so could you please just sit down and be quiet?!"
"Okay, but either way I'm getting back to the first order."


As we landed, my nerves started to rapidly increase. Of course they weren't just going to send me back, so what would they do? Kill me? I sure hope not, but if I were in their shoes, it would really be the only reasonable solution.
The impact of us landing knocked me out of my thoughts, and as we exited the ship all eyes were on me.
"Oh come on people it's not the first StormTrooper you've ever seen, move along!", said the man, whose name I still didn't know.
"You know, you never told me your name."
"--------------"  ( I'm really bad at coming up with names, so you guys give me any suggestions you have )
"Well it's nice to meet you -----------"
"You too. You never told me your name either."
"Well, the thing is I don't really have a name. The only name they ever gave me was MF-2404." ( Again, if you have any suggestions for names, please tell me )
We were walking through the halls of the resistance base when we stopped in front of an office.
"Alright, so this is General Organa's office."
"So why are we here again?"
"Well we have to figure out what to do with you, now don't we?"
"Let's just get this over with."
Sitting in the middle of the office, was in fact General Organa, and she certainly wasn't what I expected her to be. Instead of being the intimidating General that I expected her to be, she turned out to be this short lady who look the exact opposite of intimidating. But what did I know, I'd never met her before.
"---------, nice to have you back, and who is this?" Said the General.
"This is MF-2404, she doesn't have an actual name yet. She's a StormTrooper, as you can tell. I stole a TIE Fighter in order to get back, and she noticed me and boarded just before I took off."
"I see... well we obviously can't just send you back to the First Order... but this isn't the first time we've run into a situation like this, and last time we sent them to a neutral planet far from here. So, there's always that option" suggested General Organa.
"I don't really like that idea." I stated.
"You don't have an opinion." The man snapped back.
"Neither do you ------- so please keep your comments to yourself unless they're going to help us solve this problem."
"Yes General."
"We could always keep you here, you most likely have very important information on the First Order that we would be more than happy to have, and we could always use more help around the base."
"I would never give out any information about the First Order, no matter what the circumstances."
"You know, we could always just kill you. It would be much easier than any of the other options."
"On second thought....."
"That's what I thought. Now, Mr.-------- if you may excuse us, we have some important matters to discuss."
As ------- left I became more afraid of what would become of me. The General had implied that I would be staying at the base, but no one would ever except me, and what would happen if the First Order found out?
"So, I guess you'll be staying with us from now on?"
"I don't really have a choice, so yes."
"You know, you seem like a good person, just fighting for the wrong side."
"We were always taught that you were the enemy, and nothing else. Our goal was to destroy the Resistance, no matter what."
"I see... I never did catch your name, could you tell me?"
"Umm... I don't really have one, the only name that I've ever had is MF-2404."
"Well I guess we'll just have to give you one then! How does..... -------- sound?"
"It's fine I guess..."
"Listen ------- I really need you just to cooperate with me. You're part of the Resistance now, and I just need you to accept it."
"It's just hard transitioning from one side to another."
"I know. Now, how about you change out of that StormTrooper outfit and after that I have someone I'd like you to meet.


"---------, meet my best pilot, Poe Dameron."

I hope you've enjoyed this chapter! I've decided to go back and change the P.O.V on all the rest of the chapters to make them all like this one, which means I'm going to have to change the title of the book. Sooooooo......... if you have any suggestions for a snook title or names for characters, then please tell me. I was originally going to make this the last chapter of the book but instead I'm going to continue it.

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~ Rey Kenobi ❤️

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