Chapter 10

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Dear diary, 

Yep. I totally haven't even wrote in like, over a month, and yeah, I don't even have an excuse except for the fact that I'm actually not having an absolutely terrible life! Yeah, I know right. How is that even possible? Well, let me tell you what happened today...

So, I was the first one that arrived at the docking bay this morning, and I'm not even kidding, I was standing there for what felt like forever, when everyone else decided to show up. I FELT LIKE AN IDOIT. Everyone just stared at me like I had two heads! I guess showing up for work early isn't normal around here, but, you can't blame me, considering that these guys have been doing this their whole life..

All we really did was some drills, and then they let us take the rest of the day off. I WAS just trying to walk back to my living quarters until some of the other TIE Fighter pilots came up to me and complimented me on my flying skills! I said thanks but in my head I was thinking, " They MUST have the wrong person!" 

Until next time, 


A/N Thanks for reading!  I know my writing sucks but I hadn't updated in over a month so I thought that I should. I'll start updating more regularly and then maybe someone will actually read it... I also need a new cover so if any of you have some ideas feel free to tell me!

- Rey Kenobi 

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