Chapter 7: Hero

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When I logged off of Facebook I only had one thing to do and that was to find out what's wrong with Jack. To the girls nothing was wrong with Jack but, they don't know him like do. They probably think he was just in a rush, but me and Jack have been friends for a long time so I notice When something is wrong. I'm heading over to Jack's house right now. I realized from past events that when's somethings wrong he prefers to talk to people face to face. I guess it calms him more then talking on the phone.

I finally reached his house. I really don't know why, but it took me like twenty minutes to reach his house. We really don't live far from each other at all. I guess I was so deep in thought I started walking slower then a turtle.


I logged of Facebook without even letting anyone know I was leaving because I was so depressed, and really, really angry. Chase totally betrayed me he knows how much work I put into my plan how could he. I was also a little mad at Kim for saying yes. The difference between Chase and Kim though is that fact that I can't stay mad at Kim and the fact that I can kill Chase. To be honest I was so upset that they were darting that I actually started crying. Me. Jack Brewer. Crying. That's new. And I'm crying over a girl. Even worse. In all fairness Kim isn't like any other girl. I was still crying when I heard the door bell. I didn't move hoping my mom would answers the door so that nobody saw me crying. And then, just my luck, someone knocks on my bedroom door.

"Jack" Kim said. She sounded kinda sad, but why.

"Go away" I said in response. Sure I wasn't that mad at Kim but I still wanted to be alone.

"I'm not leaving"she replied

"What do you want" I shouted. I quickly wiped away my tears knowing that she would just enter my room any moment now.

"For you to tell me what's wrong" she stated while walking into my room.

"Why would you think somethings wrong" I asked try to mask my sorrow.

"Well, because one you you logged off of Facebook without saying by which never happens, and two you told me to go away a couple minutes ago, oh and you have tear stains on your face" Kim said half sarcastic and half serious.

"Oh....... yo noticed that?" I asked embarrassed.

"Really, Jack, what's wrong?" Kim asked.

"I don't want to talk about it" I answered honestly.

"Jack, you know you can tell me anything right?" She asked. I could tell tears were welling up in her eyes, and I felt really bad.

"Yeah, it's just that this is really personal" I replied.

"Oh okay, but is it because I'm dating Chase?, because you logged off right when we started talking about him" Kim asked me. Oh carp she's onto me.

"No. No, not at all" I lied.

"Okay" she said.

Kim started looking around my room when her eyes laid on one thing.


I started looking around Jack's room when I spotted a guitar.

"Jack, can you play for me?" I asked, knowing Jack would know what I was talking about.

Jack got up and walked over to his guitar. He started strumming a few cords, and I immediately recognized it as my favorite song. Jack played the intro but then I stopped him.

"Wait, Jack" I I grabbed his hand to get him to stop playing.

"What?" He asked confused.

"Can you sing to?" Although I did not know Jack played the guitar, I do know that he has the voice of an angel, but he refuses to believe that.

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