Magic 101 and Friends

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--- Maximus's POV ---

I stepped through the portal door, closing it behind me. I was suddenly in a field, but I felt the illusion. It was bigger than it let on. I smiled. 'Fine work on the illusion, eh, Lilly?'

'Very. Master level. Your teacher, I'd presume. I'd ask for at least this level of mastery from a teacher, so that's good.'

'Indeed...' I shredded the illusion, not bothering with finesse.

'Let them think I'm a brute, unschooled in anything but force...'

'Good plan.' She replied.

There were five people in the meadow. Two I recognized. The boy was nursing a burnt chest, but his chin was fixed. He was glaring at me. I looked at him sharply. "You got something to say, kid? No? Then stop glaring." I snarled.

He looked away. I looked at the others. I picked the youngest looking girl for the teacher. She had the most power, and the best control. And she had a glamour, which I also shredded.

Soon a grown woman stood where she was, and she laughed. "Very nice. I'm happy to finally have a Pendragon in my class."

"And a Merlin..." The boy growled under his breath.

I glanced at him. "Indeed. Seems there's no reason to hide, Lilly." She climbed out of my jacket, and assumed her full form.

"Do you feel stupid for trying to steal her now?" I asked him, smiling evilly.

He looked away, again.

I looked at the teacher. "Maximus Pendragon, heir to the Merlin/Orchid Lineage." I even bowed a bit, unsure of the proper protocol.

She smiled. "Samantha Nimue. Heir to the Nimue Lineage. Our lineages are close to one another."

(Authors notes: Lady Nimue is the Mage/Fae who gave King Arthur Excalibur, by the way)

I nodded. "Indeed."

I looked at the others. One small boy stepped forward, maybe ten years old. "Mark Adelbertskrieger, heir to the Dark Smith family." He showed a mark of a German hammer and anvil.

"Trondheim?" I asked. He nodded. "Sweet." I nodded.

The redhead from my first period stepped forward. "Jamie McTavish." She smiled. Her mark was a woodworker of some kind.

The last person stepped forward, and I looked him up and down. 'Strong physically, unlike these others... And mentally strong as well... Very nice. He'll be an interesting ally.'

'Or a dangerous enemy. He's about half as strong as you, he's just really good at camouflage.'

"Mathew Yastuga. Heir to the Yamamoto lineage. I am a transfer as well, from Japan, to this prestigious school of magic.

Please, accept my compliments on making this place possible." He bowed at a 45*, perfect for a respected equal.

I bowed back. "こんにちは。はじめまして。" (Hello. Nice to meet you.)

He blinked, and smiled. "同じ."(Same)

"My mother's family did make this place, but if you want to thank someone, thank my mother. I had no part of it. I didn't even know magic existed until about four days ago, other than Mothers gifts." I shrugged.

He frowned. "Odd..."

"Not really. Until I was contracted with the Merlin lineage, I had no magic. I'm adopted, remember?" I grinned.

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