Meeting the guys

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" Kathy are you awake " you here Paul say and you own your eyes smiling at him softly nodding . " I'm meant to be having dinner with the guys in the band if you want to come and join us for dinner " . You smile at him softly " that sounds amazing Paul man ". He smiles at you softly as he sits up in the bet putting his cloths on as you do the same and Paul walks into the bathroom putting on some after shave and brushing his hair . He walks out of the bathroom and stands in the dore way staring at you " ready to go Kathy " he smiles at you softly and you nod as you walk over to him and he wraps his arm around your waist as the two of you walk out of the room . He locks the room and heads for the elevator holding your hand as you get in the elevator and he holds you close waiting for the elevator to get to the lobby . You feel his breath on your neck and it is hypnotic and relaxing . You can't help but moan as he wraps his hands around your waist . " you excited about meeting the guys Kathy "he smiles at you kissing your neck softly . You nod softly as the elevator arrives at the lobby and he walks out along with you as you walk towards the cafe area of the hotel . Paul leads you to a private table at the back of the restaurant where the guys are all sitting talking . The guys notice you and Paul walking over and smile . They each smile and say hello to you as you sit down and start to talk to them . The water comes over and takes all of your orders as you continue to talk to the guys . After the meal Paul invites you back to the room . You walk into the room with Paul and he pushes you up on one of the walls kissing you hard and deep " you ready for another night to rocking Kathy "

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