The People of Society

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I'm writing this because of @thelovesociety. Her books inspired me a lot and I really like the messages she's portraying.

There are a lot of stereotypes out there. I researched some and there were some I had never even heard of.

I try not to judge people before I know them. I take in their actions and how they speak to other people, but I try not to judge before I've gotten to know them for myself.

I'll admit I have judged a few people before I knew them. It was mostly because I thought they weren't smart. It was because of how they acted in class or spoke to their friends and teachers. But after I got to speak with them and know them, I realized that they were actually smart. Probably even smarter than me lol.

I don't know where this stereotype about blondes being dumb and have to be cheerleaders, or mean, or whatever else came up. I have never met a blonde that fits this stereotype.

Is this stereotype based on one person? You can't judge a group of people based on one person. And I don't think you really get to put a label on someone else until you really know them. There's more to people than what meets the eye. There's more to them than what they show people.

This story is dedicated to @thelovesociety. To support her cause of stereotypes telling their stories.

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