Chapter 2: Ariar Forest

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I hope that I didn't make so much error in making this chapter...

Hope you guys like it so far... Let me know what you think with your votes and comments. Thank you :*


I returned home with a huge smile in my face, after all I got selected by one of the Academy and to top it off by the Grand Arcane Academy. I can finally be proud of myself, yet I need to push myself harder. From what I have heard from others, the academy is very strict and wont hesitate to expel you if you do not met their expectation.

Every year at least 10 or less students from age 15 to 20 returns with their hopes shattered. But not me, I will try even harder this time to stay there and not risk my big chance to become stronger. For the future of me and my mother. She can finally be proud of me.

"Mother! Mother!" I called out as I was nearing a small hut at the near end of the village. I could see my mother cleaning the front yard of our house.

"What is it Sky?" She said mildly and saw my little sister came out of the small hut upon hearing me.

"I passed! I passed the test!" I rejoiced as I delivered to her the news, but her face was filled with worry, "Aren't you happy that I pass?"

"I'm just worried Sky." She started. She must be thinking about my older brother, Clyde, who was also accepted but in the latter, returned home and then left us to start his journey to become stronger. After that day, mother started to get weak and depressed, that is why this time I will make her proud of me.

"Don't worry ma! I will surely make you proud of me." I confidently said and hugged her and my little sister, Annie.

"I'm so proud of you Sky, and I'm sure one day you'll be the strongest soul master in the land." She muttered and kissed my forehead.

We ate our dinner together since I will probably be off tomorrow. I will miss my mother and my sister, but I really need to do this. I have my resolve. I will make her proud and be the stronger soul master.

Morning came so fast and so I head straight to the grand hall and met with other chosen candidate. Everyone was talking to each other leaving me out of place, they might still be thinking that I wasn't suppose to be where I am now. We all stood and waited until the guy, Devon, appeared.

"The second test is one of the hardest part of the exam." Devon explained, "It is where most candidate fail our expectation."

"How hard could it be!" A guy with bluish hair said obnoxiously, "I can't be compared to those previous participants."

"We'll see about that." Devon said coldly, "All of you will have at least five days to pass this registration letter Grand Arcane Academy and those who fail to do so will lose the opportunity to ever enroll in the academy."

"But, that's impossible!" A girl with long brown hair said, "It would at least need us seven days to travel on the main road. This can't be done."

"That's not my problem." He said and handed each of us our letter and a piece of worn out map, "Your first day starts now."

And with that everyone dispersed in the room. At least five days to reach the academy, that is truly impossible, unless we head to Ariar Forest which is a shortcut. But that forest is filled with class B-D soul beast, on the bright side I would reach the academy in three to four days. Upon pondering this, I returned home and prepared my stuff to travel. With mother helping me get prepared, I was finish before noon.

"Bye ma! Bye Annie!" I kissed my mothers cheeks and my sisters forehead and started to trek towards the plain and into the Ariar Forest.

To protect me from the soul beasts that surrounds the area I brought with me the knife my father gave before he passed. It had always been special to me since it is where I draw my strength. As I was walking the plains directly to Ariar Forest I heard someone called my name. I looked up from the map.

"Sky!" The voice was drawing closer, "Wait!"

Then I noticed that it was the girl with a long silvery hair and behind her was a guy with messed up spiky hair, who was bringing a huge pack. I noticed him as one who also passed the test. But what boggled me was how this girl knew my name.

"How'd you know me?" I asked rather confuse but still not losing our phase.

"Will I know mostly anyone, Sky!" She said and giggle, "I am Lucy and this boring guy over here is Hiro." referring to the guy who had his poker face on.

"He's not much of a talker."She whispered to my ears. I can see that though.

"I see." I just replied so I didn't give the impression of being rude.

We were getting closer, close enough to finally see thick forest. I sure hope I'm prepared for this. As we got closer I could already feel the tremendous force inside the forest.

"You ready for this?" I ask them. When we go in their is no holding back no matter what.

"Born ready!" Lucy said with full energy.

"..." Hiro just stood silent. He must really hate talking.

"Then let's go."

Half an hour of walking in the forest made us feel a bit tired and it was a good thing that we spotted a lake nearby.

We rested for a bit on the lake cause who know when we'll find another abundant source of food and water.

"This taste so good." Lucy said exaggeratedly as she munched on her fish, "You are really good at cooking."

"Not really. Haha!" I said with a smile and scratched the back of my head. No one ever complemented me other than my mother.

"So what's you soul essence?" She suddenly asked out of nowhere.

"It's some kind of a flower." I said and showed to her the symbol, which was on my palm. It had seven petals and each of the petal had some kind of an eye in it which glowed different kind of colors.

"Cool!" She muttered amusingly.

"Yeah, too bad it's completely useless." I muttered sadly.

"Not true." She denied.

"What about yours?" I asked to shift the topic.

"Well mine is..." We were suddenly interrupted when we heard a load roar nearby, then a trihorned boar suddenly jumped out of the bushes. Our first encounter with a soul beast.

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