Chapter 7: Divine Sun Heir

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Chapter seven is up and going... Please continue to support my first story.. Love you so much guys....

In here is the Point of View of Calvin Grimlock


I woke up with a tremendous headache. Everything I saw in my dreams was my past life. I remember everything so clearly, of how demons from the sky ravage the continent. Of how the Demon Sage Emperor destroyed everything and killing the one I loved the most. I can't help but think of how weak I was, if it wasn't for the Temporal Heaven Spiritual Book, this wouldn't have been possible. Me being reborn.

When I turned 5, I instantly regained all my past knowledge and memories. From then on, I decided to start my training, for me to save the land and my love.

In my past life, I was this lazy good for nothing child, who uses his power as the next heir to trample over others. What hurt me most was that I was the one who inflicted so much pain to the one I love and yet he sacrificed his life for me. How I regret my actions before, so now its my chance to do the right thing.

With all my years in cultivating, I finally reached the second star silver. And since my ancestor was one of the founder of Grand Arcane Academy, I easily got accepted without doing a test. Not that I'm confident of my skills, but I really hate it when I get tested of my abilities. Its like, they don't believe that an 18 years old guy like me could hold a power like this.

Grand Arcane Academy was already insight, the thought of finally seeing him made me feel all giddy inside. Just thinking of him makes me more excited. The past me wouldn't have this kind of thoughts, but who cares, I was given a chance to redo all of it, to make things right.

Upon entering my assigned room, I saw two guys. The other one looked furious and was fussing about some blonde country bumpkin that happened to be his roommate. He even threatened to kill him if he gets a chance. Not knowing what was going on, I entered my room, at least I don't have to share it to anyone.

Moments later I heard loud thudding  sounds and people scurrying.

"What the hell is going on here, can't a guy get some peace." I murmured angrily as I walked pass people. They seem to be crowding in the bathroom. I came close enough to see that they were beating someone with a blonde hair, I looked closely and realized that it was him, it was Sky! They were beating my ANGEL! So that was how he got those mark!

I stayed calm and composed, cause I know that if I don't, I could kill both of them in an instant.

"WHAT'S GOING ON HERE!" I bellowed to the oppressor of my angel. And from the looks of it, both of them were shocked.

"W-we're ju-just..." The one guy muttered with fear clear in his voice.

"No excuses!" I said coldly and released part of my soul force, increasing a lot of pressure around the room. Afraid that I was also hurting Sky, I knocked both of them out with the use of my soul force, which I learned from the Temporal Heaven Spirit Book.

Without caring much about the people around us, I carried Sky in bridal style. Being sure not to hurt him than he was already, I whispered to his ears, "You're safe now my angel."

I carefully carried Sky to the infirmary, it looks like he blacked out. Seeing from the looks of his face, I can sense that he was in pain. I mean who wouldn't? Being whipped by a Golden Wasp Tail Whip isn't a pain to be disregarded, it could give people unimaginable pain.

"What happened to him!?" I heard a school nurse said as she saw the passed out Sky on my arms.

"He got whipped by a golden wasp tail whip, can you do something about it?" I asked trying hard to calm myself.

"Sure, place him on the bed." The nurse instructed and I placed him on the bed on his stomach.

According to my observation, the nursed placed some crushed higuba leaves, which would sting a bit, to prevent from infections. After cleaning it all up with water, the nurse put some vinyali root extract on the wounds so that Sky could ease the pain as it melted and then she patched it up with rolls of bandage. I could see Sky's silky skin as the nurse slowly bandaged Sky's wound.

"All finished." The nurse finally said wiping of the imaginary sweet.

"Thanks." I said in reply and sat beside Sky's bed. This time looked so peaceful, the perfect expression of an angel.

Suddenly the door burst open. I remember them in my past life, Hiro and Lucy, one of Sky's closest friends. A trustworthy companion, but sadly they both died when the war between the Demons and Gods. Probably, I should also need to help them, so that things will come out well in the future.

I told both of them what happened earlier and I could see Lucy's expression change. In the past, I could remember clearly that Lucy is not a force that you can reckon with, especially when she's mad. Hiro, on the other half, is calm on the outside but inside he has some psycho tendency. But, it wasn't really something new to me since they come from a clan up on the mountain, where survival of the fittest is there motto.

"Those bastard!" Lucy growled angrily after I finished my story.

"Who are you?" Hiro asked suspiciously towards me.  

"I am Clavin Grimlock, the next heir of the Divine Sun Clan." I informed them with high authority.

"Then what are you doing here with Sky?" Hiro asked again, I could see that he was not fazed with my introduction. 

"I just saved your friend, can't you see it?" I was starting to get irritated of him, I could feel something of. It was like he was a possessive boyfriend or something in that line.

"I see." He said and cleared his throat.

"Oh come on brother! You're like a possessive boyfriend." Lucy informed him and laughed, making Hiro blush a little which made me felt annoyed, "Thanks for saving Sky, Cal!"

"Don't call me that!" I annoyingly said, only Sky was allowed to say that in front of me.

"Whatever Cal!" She stuck her tongue out to me and teased. Now, I was just waiting for Sky to wake up.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2016 ⏰

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