Why Science Fails To Explain God

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Why Science Fails to Explain God

"Professing to be wise, they became fools . . .. "

"LET ME EXPLAIN THE problem science has with God."

The atheist professor of philosophy pauses before his class and then asks one of his new students to stand.

"You're a Muslim, aren't you, son?"

"Yes, sir."

"So you believe in God?"


"Is God good?"

"Sure! God's good."

"Is God all-powerful? Can God do anything?"


"Are you good or evil?"

"The Koran says I'm not always so good."

The professor grins knowingly. "Ahh! THE KORAN!" He considers for a moment.

"Here's one for you. Let's say there's a sick person over here and you can cure him. You can do it. Would you help them?

"Would you try?"

"Yes sir, I would."

"So you're good...!"

"I wouldn't say that."

"Why not say that? You would help a sick and maimed person if you could...in fact most of us would if we could... but God doesn't.

[No answer.]

"He doesn't, does he? My brother was a Muslim who

died of cancer even

though he

prayed to God to heal him. How is this God good?


Can you answer that one?"

[No answer]

The elderly man is sympathetic. "No, you can't, can


He takes a sip of water from a glass on his desk to

give the student time to

relax. In philosophy, you have to go easy with the

new ones.

"Let's start again, young fella." "Is God good?"

"Er... Yes."

"Is Satan good?"


"Where does Satan come from?" The student falters.

"From... God..."

"That's right. God made Satan, didn't he?" The

elderly man runs his bony


through his thinning hair and turns to the smirking,

student audience.

"I think we're going to have a lot of fun this

semester, ladies and


He turns back to the Muslim. "Tell me, son. Is there

evil in this world?"

"Yes, sir."

"Evil's everywhere, isn't it? Did God make



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