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Kenna had been 18 when she met Alexander for the first time. She hadn't liked him very much, he seemed very arrogant and annoying. They had met at a birthday party for one of Kenna's best friends, Shawn.

A slightly intoxicated Shawn had introduced them to each other, telling them to get along and play nice. Sebastian had shaken Kenna's hand and told her to call him "Alex" instead of Alexander, then he had seen some other girl walk by and he walked off and left Kenna standing in the middle of the kitchen alone. It didn't matter though because soon enough three of her other friends joined her, Ellie, Sophie and Harry. Ellie and Harry had been together since they were 15 but it seemed like the more they were together, the more they liked each other, a feeling which Kenna could never imagine having.

Shawn's birthday party had been a blast and it ended with Ellie, Sophie, Harry, Shawn and Kenna in Shawn's parent's bed. They had all fallen asleep except Kenna, she didn't like sleeping away from home so when she was sure everyone was really asleep and wouldn't wake up, she stood up and sneaked out of the room. She closed the door as quietly as she could behind her and then she walked down to the main floor of the house. As she had left the house and was on her way down from the porch, she heard someone say her name behind her and she had hoped it wasn't Harry, having noticed that she was leaving.

She had turned around and saw Alexander, or Alex, standing there with his blonde hair a mess and a stain of what looked like wine, on his shirt.

He had asked where she was going, she said home and he offered to walk her and she had let him.

That was 3 years ago. After 6 months ofAlex trying to change his first impresson on Kenna, she had finally let him and they had been dating for 2 years now. And that's why today, Kenna found herself in the back of a taxi heading towards whitehall place and Corinthia Hotel, where Alex had booked a room for their 2 year anniversary. She didn't know why he had picked that specific hotel or why he had insisted on staying in London when Kenna had offered to help pay for a trip to Scotland where he had wanted to go all year after seeing a show on the TV about the place.

But she wasn't complaining, instead of a 9 hour trip it only took 20 minutes from her flat to the hotel, and she didn't have to pack to much either.

As the girl arrived at the hotel she paid her taxi then went into the lobby, where Alex had promised to meet her. She looked around the big area that was decorated with as much white and silver as anyone could find it seemed. But she couldn't find him so she walked up the stairs that had a green carpet on them, to see if he was there but she had no such luck. Just as she turned around to go outside again, her phone beeped and she took it up from her jacket pocket and read the text. It was from Alex and he was apologizing because he was going to be late, but he wanted her to check into the room anyways so he gave her the booking number.

This wasn't unusual for Alex, she was used to coming second to his job but she didn't mind because he always made up for it.

Kenna went over to the receptionist and got the key to the room and after being showed where the lifts were, she went over and pressed the button.

The lift took forever so the girl took her phone and dialed Ellie's number. She answered pretty quickly for being Ellie,

"How's the hotel? Is it magical? How can you be calling? You should be in a bubble bath with your man!"

The lift came and Kenna stepped inside, pressed the number 4 button and just as the doors were closing, a hand stopped them and for a second, she thought it was Alex. But then the doors opened again and a man, in his 40's were standing there in a suit and a portfolio in his hand. He gave her a quick polite smile then went into the lift and looked at the buttons but didn't press one, so he was going to floor 4 too.

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