Chapter 3

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Breakfast had been fairly normal after Kenna's encounter with Phillip, or Mr Jacobs, over by the bread where he had basically told her that their entire last night had been a mistake.
Kenna and Alexander were now in the taxi on their way back home. It took only 20 minutes to reach Kenna's flat from the hotel and when they arrived, Alex paid the driver then went inside with Kenna.

They went up the two flight of stairs and he took outhis key and unlocked the front door. He had gotten a key to the flat when she had first moved in, so had Shawn and Ellie. She had figured that if she died, someone would show up eventually to look for her and then she would rather have them open the door with a key than to kick it down.

The two of them went inside and took their shoes off in the narrow hallway. Alex took her bag and walked further in to the flat and turned in by the first door at the right, into the bedroom. Neither one of them had said anything on the ride back and it seemed they weren't going to speak now either so Kenna went into the bathroom which was just right in front of the door into her bedroom.
As she got out again, she heard that Alex had left the bedroom and was in the livingroom just by the end of the narrow hallway.
She went in there and looked over at the TV, he had put on a music channel and was sitting with his feet up on the table and her laptop in his knee.

"Hey so I was thinking, maybe we should order chinese for dinner?" he said but didn't look up at her. She couldn't answer him, she froze and didn't know why.
"Or maybe pizza is better? Harry always eats half of it though." she still didn't answer and that caught his attention and he looked up at her, and she just stood there with her eyes looking down to the floor and her hands in front of her.

"Babe?" He stood up and walked over to her, the second he touched her arm, she jumped.
"I'm sorry..." he said but stood his ground, she looked up at him now and managed to clear her mind, and the first thing that came up is how much Alex's mum had talked about things that she thought were about Kenna, but actually hadn't been. Like how she had read wuthering heights over 6 times, or how she knew the names of over 60 bird species.

"Who is Caroline?" was all she managed to get out. Alex took a step back, sighed and went back to the sofa and grabbed his phone,
"What are you talking about?" she looked over at him now, "First your brother calls me Caroline and I have to tell him it's Kenna. Then your mother does the same thing-"
"Yeah but my dad corrected her. She must have heard Theo."
"If she had heard Theo, she had heard me correcting him. Then your mother thinks I've got some special degree about birds, what exactly had you told them about me? Because if birds and reading a book that honestly wasn't that good the first time, is what will impress them then I am not sure I will ever do that."
He rolled his eyes and put his phone into his pocket, "No honey, it's nothing like that. Come here." He gestured for her to come over to the couch and she did, they sat down and he took her hands,

"My mother... the reason I haven't introduced you earlier is because, well she is sick. I have told her everything about you, but her mind twists things and gets everything wrong. She's not well and that is why I have been careful when it comes to who I introduce her to."
Kenna looked at Alex, this man in front of her whom she had seen grow up the last couple of years, this man she had grown to love, this man who had introduced her to new sensations but still, she didn't completely trust him. That was going to stop, right now.

"I am so sorry, I thought... I don't know what I thought but I didn't think that. I'm sorry, I love you."
"It's quite alright, babe. I love you too."
He kept her hands in his and started rubbing his thumb over the top of her hand, she looked down to their hands then back up at him and decided that he had been punished long enough now.
She stood up with his hands still holding hers and he was on his way of letting her go but she stopped him, which made him look up at her with an interested look,

"I bought something, a surprise. It was supposed to be for yesterday, but it'll work just as fine today. Come with me to the bedroom?"

He grinned and stood up,

"With pleasure."

She had told him to get on the bed whilst she changed outside of the door. She put on the blue crop top with front tie, matching panty skirt with garters,  blue police hat head piece, and stockings. She kept the handcuffs in her hand and walked back into the bedroom. He was sitting on the bed in his jeans and a white t-shirt. He was just sitting there looking around the room, without his phone, which was strange, but when she came back inside, his attention went straight to her.

"Well hello there, Officer." He said and took breath so deep he shifted in the bed. Kenna swung the cuffs and walked over to her man.

There were clothes everywhere and the sheets were wrapped around the two of them as they laid in the bed, panting.
"Mhmm, wow. That was beyond expected, I must say." Kenna breathed and Alex turned and looked at her, "Definitely. The costume, how did you know I liked that sort of thing?"
She grinned and sat up in the bed, flung her legs over it and stood up on the floor with the sheet still covering her.
"You didn't delete your search history on my laptop. I watched some of the videos you had watched and eventually, I got the point."
"I'd say you did." He looked surprised, and a bit distraught as Kenna left the room and went to the bathroom to take a quick shower.
When she came back, he was still in the bed but he had brought the laptop to bed and was sitting with it now, typing something.
She came in just a towel and took a look around the room, "Well this place is a mess. What are you doing?" She said,gesturing to the laptop.
"oh, nothing. Just contemplating if I should order the pizza or chinese food. What are you craving?"

"I could eat just about anything. But if Harry is coming over, I'd go with chinese food because then we will actually get to finish our own food."
"Yeah, I think he's bringing Shawn though."
"Right, so definitely not pizza. Why is Shawn coming?" She started putting lotion on her arms whilst trying to hold up the towel.
"I don't know, why is Harry coming? Because we want to hang out. Or do you not wish to hang out with Shawn today?"
"Why would I not want to hang out with Shawn?" She took out a shirt from her dresser and started putting it on,
"Dunno, maybe because you've got feelings for him?" She froze, and her towel fell down from her body which not only caused her to get almost completely naked but also cold. She hurried with the shirt over her head and then turned around to Alex.  

"What? I do not have feelings for Shawn." He rolledhis eyes and looked back at the laptop, "Right, that's why the two of you are thick as thieves. Always on each other's sides, as soon as you leave a room, he comes after you and vice versa. I'm not stupid, Kenn."

"That's not... we're just friends." She went over to the bed and sat down next to Alex, but he just put the laptop awayf rom him and left the bed,

"Yeah we were also just friends for a long time. I know what you do with people you're just friends with. I'm getting the food, if Harry and Shawn gets here before I come back, please don't fuck them." He spat then left the room, holding his clothes between his arm and side.
Kenna was surprised and to be honest, a bit aggravated. Where did he come off talking to her like that? She had never done anything with Shawn, she hadn't even thougth about it. They were friends, she knew everything about him and he knew everything... well almost everything, about her. They had been friends since forever and doing anything with him that included nudity, well just the thought made her feel weird.

She heard the front door slam shut and she got out of her own mind. Maybe he was just being sensitive because of the testesteron or something. She was sure it would be alright, she had after all just lost her virginity to him.

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