Chapter 4

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Shawn and Harry arrived before Alex came back. Kenna had made sure to not be as close to Shawn as she used to. Normally, she would be sitting in his lap and they would be taking funny pictures with the new snapchat filters. Now, she was sitting on the edge of the sofa, as far away from him as possible, eating her noddles in silence.

Alex were speaking with Harry about some chick Harry had met the other night that refused to give up trying to go home with him, and it wasn't until Ellie had walked up to him and made out with him right in front of her that she backed off.
"Oh man, I wish I had been there! Unfortunately I had an anniversary to attend." He laughed but Kenna didn't think it was funny so she stopped eating,stood up and walked out to the kitchen with her food.

She heard the guys stop talking but she kept walking and when she got into the kitchen, she jumped up on the table and continued eating, expecting either Shawn or Alex to walk through the door any second.

And in came Alex. He looked at her with a glum look then walked over and stood by the kitchen counter in front of her.
"We are good, right?" Kenna looked up at Alex and shrugged, "You kind of freaked out earlier, I'd like to know why." she answered him and he sighed, "Fine. I'm just jealous, okay? Because I know for a fact that Shawn has feelings for you, and I freaked out because I started thinking that maybe you've got them for him too."
"Wait, back up."
"What, jealous? I know,pathetic, right!"
"No, not that. Shawn doesn't have feelings for me. Where did you get that from?"
"Not where, whom.Himself. He told people, thought it wouldn't get back to me. So you see, my being hurt was actually not improper."
Kenna didn'tknow what to say, what could she say? She had to reassure Alex that whatever Shawn felt for her wasn't mutual. It wasn't something she had encouraged and it wasn't something any of them would act on.

"I'm sorry Alex, I didn't know. Of course you got upset, itis totally understandable. I'll have a chat with him, clear everything out, okay?"

Alex nodded and went over to his girlfriend with a smile and kissed her quickly on the cheek before leaving the kitchen again,exclaiming that he was going to send in Shawn right away.

She thought about how she would talk to him and before she could come up with something good, Shawn came walking in there looking for her and saw her sitting on the table.

He walked over and stood in front of her legs, she kept eating and refused to look up at him,

"What's wrong?"

His hands were suddenly on her legs and she stopped eating and looked up at him, "Shawn, we're good friends, right?" He shrugged his shoulders and jumped up on the table besides her, "Well thinking how I'm the only one who knows about your tattoo, I'd say we're the best of friends. Why?"

She put her box with chinese food down behind them and turned to Shawn, "Things are...complicated with Alexander right now and I think that if we put some distance between us for just a little while, maybe he will calm down and things will go back to normal."
Shawn didn't say anything, he just jumped down from the table and walked back out of the kitchen. Kenna got confused, she had expected some dramatic speech or something but he had given her nothing. She followed him and saw that he was heading to the front door.
"Shawn what are you-" before she finished, the door slammed shut with a loud bang and she heard Alex asking what was happening from the livingroom. She walked back inside and looked at her boyfriend sitting next to Harry, now both of them with x-box controls in their hands,

"Shawn had to leave, and I have to get to the library and get some books for my new course, will you guys be ok?" Alex looked at her with a bothered look, then nodded.
"We'll be fine. Call if anything happens." She nodded and went back out to the hallway, took on her sneakers and left the flat, going after Shawn.

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