Chapter 1

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The man on the piano was playing a La Reine and it was pure bliss to listen to him playing. Both Kenna and Phillip were mesmerized by him and Kenna could have stayed all night just to listen to the music. Piano music wasn't very popular with the people she usually found herself being around. With them it was always dubstep or some DJ playing a mixed version of the greatest hits on his iPad. It wasn't always pleasant and sometimes Kenna had to remove herself from the room because she, and her anxienty, couldn't cope with the beat. Her friends often asked where she went under a show or a party and she always said that she found a person she knew and they went outside to catch up and her friends always believed her. Well, all except for Shawn. He had once followed her outside and found her leaned over, trying to catch her breath and that was when she had told him that he suffered from anxiety and things sometimes got a bit too much. Since then, he had always backed her up on anything she did or didn't want to do.

"It's quite beautiful, isn't it?" Phillips asked and snapped Kenna out of her own mind. She looked over at him with a shy smile,

"It really is."

"Do you play?" she shook her head, "No. No unfortunately I chose to join a friend at dance classes rather than taking piano lessons. Something I regret today. How about you?"

"I play a little. My parents really stressed myself and my siblings about being good at something, I chose the piano and my younger brother chose the electric guitar. Which is probably why he's playing in a band today and I work at Imperial."

"Imperial starfleet?" She asked and Phillip started laughing, "What? No I do not work for Darth Vader, but I do love that you reference to star wars!" Kenna laughed with him and shrugged her shoulders, "Well that's the only Imperial I know off!"

"That's alright, love. I work at Imperial College here in London." He took a sip from his drink but kept his eyes at Kenna, "Maybe I can teach you," she raised her eyebrow, "Teach me what?"

He put his glas down and gestured over to the piano, "How to play," "ohh, I really don't think you've got the time." she said and Phillip bit his lip, "Still with the 'old man' things? I do think I will be able to keep death away for a while more," Kenna took her finger around the top of her glas and shook her head, "I didn't mean that you don't have time because you're old. I meant, shouldn't you get back up to your wife and son?" he shook his head, "It's okay, they are probably sleeping now anyways."

Phillip stood up and walked over to the man on the piano, he said something to him that made him stand up and Phillip took his place. Kenna turned her attention over to the piano again and Phillip glanced at her with a smile, then looked down to the keys and started playing. He didn't have to play much for her to know what song it was. It was the main title to "The Notebook," and she didn't know how he knew that she loved that song, and the movie, and the book, but she did and her whole body relaxed as she settled down and just listened and watched him play. He looked so peaceful but at the same time extremely focused and ambitious. He also looked very handsome in his t-shirt and leather jacket. It was strange seeing a man dressed like that and playing the piano, but she liked it.

He finished the song and was applauded by the few people around them. He walked straight back over to Kenna and stood in front of her,


"So what?" she asked.

"Did you like it?" she shrugged her shoulder, "What does it matter if I liked it? Everyone else did." he took his glas and sat down again, "True, but I wanted you to like it. I don't really care about impressing the other strangers in this place,"

"Oh you were trying to impress me? Well I guess it kind of worked, I love that song."

"I knew you would!" He looked very pleased and Kenna smiled as she took another sip of her drink.

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