Chapter 2

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"I think she might have had one too many drinks down in the bar," Phillip said to his son,and Alex nodded, "Help me walk her back to our room, dad?" he asked and then they were walking, all 3 of them.
Alex fidget with the key card and Kenna was being held up by Phillip though she was quite sure she could walk on her own now.
She tried to get out from his touch again but he kept a firm grip around her hip. Alex was walking a few steps infront of them and Phillip turned down to the girl and whispered in her ear, "I'm sorry Kenna, I didn't know."

She was standing on her own two feet again and looked up at him and just shook her head. Alex opened the door and Kenna got out of Phillips grip and walked right pass Alex and into the room. She took her shoes off as she listened to father and son talk outside of the room, then the door closed and Alex walked into where the bed was and where Kenna was sitting on the edge of it, her shoes thrown just in front of her.

He looked at her then down to the shoes, "I thought you didn't wear those out in public."

"I wasn't supposed to,but you didn't show so I figured I had nothing to lose." He walked over and sat down next to her on the bed, "I'm sorry. I really thought I would make it out of work earlier." Alex put his hand on her leg and she instantly took it away again, "I'm not in the mood,Alex."

He sighed but kept looking at her, "But baby, it's our anniversary and you promised." she shook her head,"No. No Alex, it was our anniersary. It ended 3 hours ago and now I am going to sleep until at least noon tomorrow."

Kenna went off the bed and started walking towards the bathroom,
"I promised my dad we would join him and my mother for breakfast at 8.30." she sighed and closed the door as she mouthed "Of course you did!"


She didn't sleep much that night. All she could think about was that she had kissed Alexander's dad, and she hadn't completely hated it.

It was 7.20 when the alarm on Alex's phone rang and he groaned as he turned over to turn it off. Kenna got out of the bed fast, she had just waited for it to ring so she could get out and not having Alex waking up.

"What's the hurry,babe?" she heard him ask as she walked over to her bag and took out today's clothes, a white t-shirt and a pair of black jeans.

"Nothing, just don't think we should keep your parent's waiting."

She grabbed all her clothes under her arm and went into the bathroom. She had no problem changing in front of Alex, she even liked doing it because he always looked at her with a longing look of passion. That's why she decided to change inside the bathroom today instead, he didn't deserve to look at her after leaving her hanging yesterday.

After having pulled up her jeans and put the t-shirt over her head, she braided her hair in one long braid that went down over her shoulder to her chest.

When she left the bathroom and walked back to the bed, Alex was still in it but with his phone right by his nose, he didn't even notice that she came into the room before she sat down on the edge of the bed and put on the shoes she had worn yesterday.

"You sure you want to wear those shoes to breakfast?" he asked and she sighed and sat up straight again, "It's just shoes, Alexander." But she knew it wasn't 'just shoes', she wore them because she felt sexy in them.

She heard him sigh too and he sat up in the bed and put his phone down. He placed his hand onher shoulder and she inhaled,

"I don't get it, Kenn. Ithought you would be pleased with me showing up." She was. She had thought that he wasn't coming, she had thought she would spend the night alone in a bed that was meant for the both of them, but she hadn't and even though she should have been pleased and happy, she was still annoyed.

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