Chapter I

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Brandon's POV

I got out of my car, feeling the sting of the cold winter air against my face. I slipped on my jacket and headed towards the promise of warm air and warm coffee- Starbucks.

My phone vibrated in my pocket when I got to the door. I started to unlock it when suddenly, the door flew open and knocked me to the ground.

"Oh my gosh, are you okay," someone asked, but I couldn't pay attention. The ringing in my ears was so loud. I must have hit my head I thought, rubbing the back of my head.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just bumped my head is all," I chuckled, searching for his phone. "But, it was my fault anyway I wasn't paying attention." I looked up and just froze where I was. This was the most gorgeous boy I had ever seen.

He was short, probably 5'5". His lean, tanned body went well with his blue-hazel eyes and black hair. He looked about 16 and was wearing jeans and a black t shirt.

The boy looked at his feet "I'm sorry, I didn't see you..." he reached out his hand and handed my phone to me. It was completely wrecked and had pieces of glass hanging off the edges.

"Well, like I said, I wasn't paying attention, so I can't really blame you." The boy was still looking down upset. He reminded me of a five year old waiting to get punished. "I'm due for an upgrade anyway. Now I have something to do tomorrow." He still wouldn't look up. "It's fine really."

I waited for the boy to say something, but he just nodded. "Well, see yah," I said as I opened the door.

"Wait," the boy shouted, catching me completely off guard, "can I get you some coffee?" I thought about saying no, but he was just too cute.

"Sure." I held the door open and let the boy pass. Now, I didn't mean to, but I kinda looked at the boys butt while we were headed to the counter- it was almost too big for his jeans.

"Hi, my name is Kelly, what can I get for you?" The barista was smiling at us as we walked up.

"Yes Kelly, I would like to buy this gentleman a coffee please." He gestured towards me.

"Hi Brandon, you want the usual then?"

"That would be great Kelly, thanks," and with that, the blonde haired barista went to work.

"So your name is Brandon?" He smirked at me, "I guess you must come here a lot huh?"

"Yeah, pretty much every morning. I'm obsessed with coffee."

"Here you go sweetie," Kelly interrupted and handed the boy the coffee. "Have a nice day." She winked at me when the boy walked away. We are best friends after all.

"Here you go." He handed me the coffee. Our hands brushed against each other and I could swear I saw the boy blush. But I just ignored it. "I'm sorry again about the phone, and the door, and your head..."

"Geez, you make it sound like you beat me up." The boy smiled, he had a nice smile. "But it's fine, don't apologize."


"Well, thanks for the coffee," we shook hands with each other.

"You're welcome," he replied. Then I headed towards one of the seats by the window.

"Would you like some company!" The boy called after me.

"Sure." The boy rushed over and slipped in the seat across from me. "I'm sorry, I never asked your name."

"Oh, I'm Lucas."

"Hello Lucas." I shook Lucas's hand and took a sip of my coffee. It felt soothing as it went down my throat. When I put the cup down, I noticed that my hand was bleeding. I grabbed a napkin and crumbled it in my palm. Must have been when I fell.

The table started vibrating from the notification on my phone. I'm surprised it still works. Through the cracked screen, I could read "first period in 15 minutes".

"Oh crap," I jumped up, " I'm sorry Lucas, I have to go. I have class in 15 minutes."


"Yeah, at the college down the road."

"How old are you?'

"I'm 17, I just take some advanced classes at the college. I'm still a junior though." Come to think of it, I wonder why we've never met before. there's only one high school, it's a small town.

"Oh, okay." Lucas looked disappointed. He grabbed his coffee off of the table and threw it in the trash. "Well, even though I almost knocked you out, it was nice meeting you."

"You too." I shook his hand - not with the bleeding one though. And with a smile and a wave, Lucas walked out the door.

I but my lip. What's wrong with me I thought. I looked over at Kelly and she just pointed at the door as hard as she could. I nodded and ran for the door.

"Wait," I shouted and stopped Lucas at his car. Lucas looked at him in shock.

"Is there something wrong?"

"No, it's just," I caught my breath, "I was just wondering if you would like to go out with me on Friday?" This is stupid, you don't even know if he's gay.

"No," Lucas replied.

It felt like I had just popped an artery.

"I have plans on Friday." He smiled. "But, Saturday I'm free."

"Okay, Saturday then."

Lucas grabbed my hand and wrote his number on my palm- again not the bleeding one. Then he got in his car and drove away, leaving me standing there with the biggest grin.

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