Chapter XII

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Brandon's POV

Six weeks later

Lucas laughs when I tell him about a story my mom told me about a patient. We are at the park enjoying lunch by the lake. Well, as close as we could get, Lucas got a little weird when I tried to get closer.

I can't believe it's only been two months since we started dating. Looking at us now you'd probably think we'd been together for years. He's in my lap, his head laid back on my shoulder, reminiscing.

It was a couple weeks after the game that people finally stopped pointing. That Monday, I hated walking in the school alone. I could feel everyone liking at me, all of them talking about us holding hands to the car. This carried on and on. It was the same for Lucas. His only relief was when we were together for lunch.

He gave me a kiss and everyone looked at us like we had leprosy or something. I smirked and turned me so everyone could see us and planted another long, passionate kiss. There was some cheering and some booing and some people that looked like they wanted to throw up, but nobody bothered us after that.

"What are you thinking about," Lucas asks, snapping me back to reality.

"Just everything that's happened the last couple of months," I reply. I look down and kiss his forehead.

"Oh, would you two get a room?"

I look to see Mercy sitting down by us. Mercy is Lucas's friend, and next door neighbor. He told me if he ever had to choose between her and Josiah, he couldn't do it because they both mean so much to him.

Mercy is about three inches taller than Lucas with eggplant colored hair and very pale skin. She is wearing a white top with black Capri's and Jordan's. She is completely flawless, like she should be on the cover of a magazine.

"We would but most of them have swimming classes and spinning classes in them right now." Lucas shouts.

"Yeah okay smart-ass," she jabs him the shoulder.

"Ouch, you're so abusive." He wines playfully.

"I barely tapped you!"

"If that's a tap, I hate to see what a real punch feels like."

"I could show you." She pulls her arm back in position.

"Kids, do you need a time out," I asks, putting my arms between us.

"Ugh, you're no fun," Mercy wines and puts her hands down and pulls out her phone.

"Thanks for saving me." Lucas whispers while she's not looking.

"Always." I give him quick hug from behind.

Just then, a group of guys from school walks by. They give us both shady looks when they pass by. The main one being Micah. He's the ring leader. As they pass, I hear them mumble to each other. The only two words I am able to make out are "disgusting" and another word the rhymes with maggot.

Lucas looks down. Even though I don't care about them, I have to admit it gets kinda tiring to have to "keep your head up" all of the time.

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