Chapter III

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Lucas's POV

I hate being late for anything. Everyone tells me that I overreact when I am but I just can't help it. So needless to say when I showed up late for practice with my painting in hand I was a little irritated.

"Lucas," Josiah, the captain, called me from the track. We always do a 3 mile jog before running drills and such.

"Hey," I called back. Josiah started running towards me. It was like two seconds before he was standing right in front of me. "I know I'm late okay, you don't have to tell me."

"It's fine, we just started. But you missed Coach Turner's peptalk."

"How bad was it?"

"Oh you know, 'kick some ass or I'll kick yours', the usual stuff." We started laughing.

I'm not going to lie, I used to have the biggest crush on Josiah. He's tall, his dark skin and his muscles, he has big lips. Not to mention he's the fastest guy in the state. But he is straight so, I got over it. But that didn't mean I couldn't admire God's handiwork could it?

"Why were you late anyway," he asked me while we started running with the rest of the team.

"Oh, I had to stop by the art lab and get my painting."

"That's never made you late before." He looked at me with suspicious eyes. "Come on, spill it!"

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about whatever really made you late."

I didn't say anything.

"Alright, but we got two miles to go and you know I'm faster than you so you cannot outrun me," he crossed his arms and stared at me.

"Fine. If you must know, I was headed for the art lab and some guy knocked me over."

"Do I need to kick someone's ass," he said seriously and dropped his arms.

"No, he didn't do it on purpose, it was an accident. And I kinda deserved it anyway."

I explained to Josiah what happened this morning at the coffee shop. I mean he is my best friend so he doesn't care at all that I am gay. I paused to wait for his response. Cue the k-i-s-s-i-n-g song.

"So, when are you gonna see him again," he asked. I'm surprised he didn't tease me.

"Saturday," I replied. That's when Josiah started making kissy faces at me. There's what I was waiting for. "You're ridiculous!" I punched him in the shoulder.

"Ouch!" He punched me back and took off. Even though I knew couldn't catch him, I chased him anyway. It sure would make practice go by faster. I mean I love soccer, I just hate practices.


After practice was over, I got in my car and started the drive home. People like to make fun of me because I'm so short but I drive an SUV. But I like it because it has a lot of space. Especially since I bring home big paintings from school all of the time. I would feel uncomfortable if I had to put it all in my trunk.

The drive is always faster going home -no traffic. It wasn't long before I arrived at the gated community and parked in front of our white two story house. Okay , it's more like a mansion but I hate admitting that. I just don't want people thinking that because my parents have money that I'm some sort of snob or something.

I pulled my bag and my painting from the backseat and headed inside. As big as the house is on the outside, it looks that much more enormous on the inside. I call for my parents but they don't seem to be home. They usually don't get home until eight o'clock anyway.

I walk across the giant living room and head up the stairs to my room. It was a complete mess. I had paintings and easels in the corner, clothes on the floor, and a few leaves stuck on the blue walls since apparently I forgot to close my window this morning.

I put my things on my bed and sigh. I hate cleaning up but my mom is coming back after about a week long business trip and I know she's going to come to my room first. She always wants to see me and give me a hug and blah blah blah. I love her to death but hugs that choke you are not fun.

It takes about 30 minutes but I finally manage to get everything in order. As I shut my window, my phone goes off on my bed.

I look at it and I see a text from an unknown number.


I consider if I should answer.

Hi. Who is this?

The guy you tackled
at the coffee shop.

I can't help but smile.

Yeah, but if I remember
right, you settled the
score already. My
pencils all over the
floor ring a bell?

Lol, okay truce.

So, you got your
phone fixed?

Yeah, I like this one
better any way.

Okay, what's up?

Well, I was
wondering... who
is your favorite artist?

Why do you ask?

Your sketchbook

I had never really thought about it before. I like so many artists.


I'm still here. I was
just thinking.


It would probably
be Monica Lee. She's
a sketch artist.



Yeah, I was just

What are you up to?

Nothing at all. I
will see you Saturday.


Ah, so he's not as confident as he let's on.

Of course:)

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