hiding part 1

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Riele's P.O.V.

"Ok mom will be here soon so we have enough time to go to the mall and start shopping!" Ella reminds .

"That would be awsome!" I say lying .

It will not be 'awsome' it will be terrible!!! I have to hide from Jace throughout the whole party! That boy is impossible to hide from! One time I tried to ignore the whole day ... guess how that turned out ... TERRIBLE!!! He kept on finding me and saying why was I ignoring him . So ... this 'hiding from Jace' game is going to be really hard ...

"Did you even heard a word I said Riele?!" Ella asks .

"No ..." I say truthfully .

"Are you sure you're ok? Beacus you've been acting strange ever since maeve called you?" Ella asks worried .

"What? No i'm perfectly fine ... I was just thinking ..." I say making up an excuse .

"If you say so ..." Ella says while looking at her phone .

"What are you doing so much on that phone anyway?" I ask worried .

"Nothing! It's not like i'm texting a guy who I have a crush on  ... " She says really fast .

"What did you say?" I ask her .

"I just revealed what I was doing didin't I? ..." She asks .

"Yeap!" I said popping the 'p' .

I looked at her phone and I saw that she was texting Mace coronel!

"You're texting to Mace?!" I ask suprised .

"Yeah ... he kind of asked me on a date ..." She said blushing .

"Please don't tell me today! ..." I say hoping she would come with me to the party .

"Of course not! It's tomorrow! Besides ,  I wouln't leave you with Jace and Maeve alone!" She said hugging me .

"Thanks! Well we better go shopping soon or all the good clothes will go fast!" I say laughing .

"No!!!" Ella said rushing to tell her mom to go with us shopping .

*phone vivrates*

Ugh please don't tell me it's ...

Jace ... !!!O.M.G. ...

Riele-What do you want Jace?!😡

Jace-Chill I just wanted to know if you are coming to the party😎😏

I just remembered ... i'm not suppose to text/talk to Jace ...

Riele-bye Jace 😡😂

Ugh! He's so annoying! But I still like him though ...

"Come on Riele we have to go shopping!!!" Ella yells fom downstairs .

"Be there in a sec!"

This day is going to be tough!


I'm so sorry that this chapter was so boring and short!😭😝😭

Guys i'm very sorry that I haven't update soon for so long!
I'm having alot of tests this semmester 📝📏✏

Thanks for reading my awsome lovely beutiful readers!!!😍😘😎😜😋

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