Chapter 2 The Orphaned

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Milo's eyes shot open. He woke up breathing very heavily, beads of sweat forming on his forehead. He then sat upright.
"Had another dream?" Jake asked.
"Um... yeah." He said wiping the sweat off his face.
"I watched you for a bit; it seemed like a really bad dream. Was it bad?"
"It was more weird than bad."
"You wanna talk about it?" Jake asked willingly. Milo hesitated then shook his head, "Nah, it's cool. It was just a dream. You know how they are."
"GET UP!!!" A wicked voice hissed from down stairs. The voice belonged to the owner and caretaker of the Foster home, Mr. Gusterson. He was a middle aged man that had probably watched Annie numerous times because that was how it was around the orphanage. He particularly hated Milo and Jake, and couldn't wait till they were eighteen so he could kick him out.
He only favored one kid and that was Dennis Erickson. Dennis was an obnoxious boy that enjoyed being a suck up to Mr.Gusterson and loved to bringing trouble to Milo and Jake. Sadly for Jake, Dennis was dating the girl he adored, Luna Foster.
"Boy, are you in trouble." Dennis smirked as he lingered in their doorway. 
"What? Why?" Milo asked now irritated.
"Well. I, being  the best kid here, told Mr. Gusterson you two morons slept in." He said mockingly.
"Dennis...," Jake growled through grit teeth, "SHUT UP!" But before Dennis could say something smart, Mr. Gusterson walked in.
"JAKE! MILO!," he snapped, "Since you two worthless beings decided to sleep in, you two get to spend your Sunday cleaning the whole dorm. Toilets, floors, everything." He said with an evil grin.
"What! But tha-" Jake started but was cut off.
"No buts!" Mr.Gusterson turned to walk out.


    Not too far away, in another orphanage, the children were busy rushing left and right to make themselves presentable because there was news of a couple coming to visit today.
    The caretaker came into the room and pulled the blankets off of Amber, "Get up you lazy bum!" Amber whined and pulled the blanket back over her head, not wanting to get up just yet. The caretaker hit her leg, "Couples are coming today! Get out of bed."
Amber curled up under the sheets. She already knew all the couples were going to choose the babies and small children. Most couples had actually disliked Amber just by how she looked. She was a tomboy with short fake blonde hair with blue streaks that was normally quite messy. She was the rebellious type that most people tried to avoid. Fifteen years in an orphanage she spent watching all the children come and go. Only she had remained there the whole time. She was never able to make a close friend because when she tried, they always left soon after.
At this point, the girl had stopped trying. She was tired. Every day was the same and just as lonely as the last. She had friends at the high school though, but they were a crowd most of society frowned upon. A rebellious bunch that consisted of what people considered goth or emo.
After washing up, she threw on a hoodie and shorts, grabbing her skateboard and opening the window. She wasn't going to stick around to see the caretakers with judgemental looks when she was yet again rejected. She swung her legs over the window sill and climbed down the side. Over the fence she jumped, and rode away on her board.
"Just three more years." She repeated to herself. Three more years and she could leave this place and be on her own.
* * *
In another, more wealthier part of town there was another orphanage. This orphanage housed many more children than most because of its size. A boy named Zane Foster lived here. Zane was a tall hispanic looking boy who had black hair and black eyes. He was a smart boy, great with technology. His best friend and roommate, Max, was a short boy with brown hair and black eyes. The two practically looked like siblings and certainly acted like siblings.
"Hey Max." Zane said gently shaking Max who was still wrapped in his blanket.
"What Zane I'm trying to sleep... Come on bro its sunday." Max moaned rolling away.
"What if I say we can get ice cream."
Max shot straight up. "But its morning."
"Actually its noon we just had lunch." Zane clarified.
Max dashed out of bed and got ready.
* * *
    At the last orphanage in town, there sat a girl named Luna brushing her hair as she looked into the mirror. She was a petite girl, with pretty, delicate features, emerald green eyes, and brown hair that framed her face well.
    A knock on her door was heard. "Come in." It was her friend, Sam, that had grown up with Luna in the orphanage. The two had grown as close as siblings would. The redhead, blue eyed boy jumped on her bed, "Hey sis! Wanna go get ice cream? Because I wanna get some ice cream today. It's on me." He beamed.
    She chuckled at the cute and childish way he asked, "Sure! Let's go!" The caretaker saw the pair coming down the stairs, looking like they were ready to go somewhere, "And where are you two going?" She asked.
"Ice cream shop." Luna answered with a smile. The caretaker patted her head, "Alright you two. Be back before dark alright? Or else no dinner for you." They both nodded, "Yes Ma'am."
    Luna opened the door and there stood Dennis, just about to ring the doorbell, "Dennis!" She said with delight and hugged him.
"Hey babe." He smiled and pulled her into a hug. "We're going out for ice cream. Wanna tag along?" He nodded, "Sure! Let's go." And together they walked hand in hand with Sam following them, to the ice cream shop. Sam wasn't to thrilled of him joining in let alone dating his sister like figure.
* * *
    "Oh Milo. Dennis is sooo busted." Jake said excitedly, jumping up and down around his brother.
    "Oh Jake!" he mocked with a giggle. They slowly crept towards the parlor and looked out the window to see Dennis and Luna walking down the street holding hands.
"Look there goes Luna with. . . ugh Dennis." Jake moaned spinning around, arms crossed.
Milo noticed something about his younger brother that he's never noticed before. "Um Jake is there something you wanna tell me? You know you can tell me anything." he said staring at his brother.
Jake didn't speak he just stared at Luna.
"You like Luna!"
"Whaaaaaaaat?! Naw! Psshhh, no, I, uh, well I . . .yes, yes I do. She's beautiful, smart, funny, and has the kindest heart anyone could have." Jake confessed.
"Wow you got it bad little bro." Milo said giving him a hug. Coming closer and closer was the sound of a skateboard.
* * *
Amber kicked up her skateboard and caught it in her hand once she arrived at the shop. It was quite fuller than usual today. She let her eyes wander over the various flavors available to her, a small smile forming on her face. She ordered and took her seat near the back corner of the shop, watching as the customers came and left.
A couple walked in, looking all googly eyed along with another boy following them. Poor guy. She thought, Must have gotten the position of third wheel for this date. She chuckled and watched as two boys walked in, looking quite similar to each other. Brothers maybe? One though, was looking quite unhappy, staring at the couple ahead of them in line. She was curious as to why but kept to herself. He must have be having a bad day for all she knew. Then came two more boys, one looking sleepy and the other she recognized well as the boy that did her english homework for her.
* * *
The brothers looked around for empty seats but only saw a few around the blonde and blue haired girl, "Should we sit over there Jake?" Milo asked. Jake was still staring at Dennis and Luna, not hearing a thing Milo said.
Milo sighed at not being able to get Jake's attention. He took the spoon from Jake's ice cream, with a spoonful of ice cream and slapped it on his nose, "Hey lover boy? You earthbound?"
Jake made a face, "Hey that's good ice cream gone to waste." he whined. Milo laughed, "Keep your head in the game bro. Now let's find some seats."
Milo approached Amber, "Hey mind if me and my bro sit here? It's kinda full today." Amber motioned towards the seats, "Sure. I don't mind." Amber noticed Jake still pouting and seeming unhappy.
"So what's his problem?" She asked, motioning towards Jake with the spoon.
"Girl issues." Milo patted his head, "Major ones." He took a closer look at the girl. She seemed familiar. Did she go to school with them? He knew he had seen her somewhere before. "Um quick question who is this Luna girl?"
"Ah, miss little ray of sunshine over there? Yeah she goes to my high school, B. Sorensen High. B.S. High if you know what I mean." she said with disinterest, laced with sarcasm.
"Oh you go there? I'm a senior there." He said then he turned to his brother then said, "I'm surprised Dennis didn't say anything yet, I mean, he saw us, but why isn't he. . .?
"It's because of Luna. He isn't the jerk he is in front of her but as soon as she turns around he does something. I don't know what she sees in him because all he does is talk about himself." Jake said bitterly.
Amber raised a brow, "Surprising..." She said quietly as Luna started to walk their direction.
* * *
"Hey Dennis I'm going to go to the little girls room be right back." Luna said getting up.
"Ok but don't be long babe." She smiled at him and turned to go.
* * *
Jake turned embarrassedly as Luna walked by, his cheeks bright red. He sighed once she was gone, "I hate how a girl as pretty and kind as her is with Dennis."
Dennis sent a look over at Jake and Milo that screamed trouble. He took a spoon of ice cream and pulled the spoon back.

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