Chapter 6 Lets Get Moving

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The sun rose brightly that next morning, shining it's beautiful rays into all the windows of the town.
Jake yawned as he sat upright on his bed. He did not have the best night's sleep. He stayed up for most of the night because every time he tried to sleep he only saw Milo getting taken.
Kris on the other hand was still sleeping. . .
* * *
He was thrown on the cold, icy ground, blindfolded and gagged.
"Let me see his eyes!" A cold, terrifying voice hissed. Suddenly he saw who that evil voice belonged to.  His face was dark, with sharp, bright yellow eyes, his arms were black as night, and waist down there were only withering strands of shadow. His face was strange, though. You could see the curve of his nose, the eyebrows knitted together, and the teeth containing a growl behind them, but at the same time, they were hazy. The boy tried to speak but realized he couldn't.
"THATS NOT THE BOY, YOU FOOLS!" The shadowy figure roared. He waved his hand and the cloth around the boys mouth was gone.
"M-my name is Mi-Milo." The boy stuttered, looking the Shadow creature in the eyes.
* * *
Kris shot up breathing very heavily. He was sweating a bit as well.
"Kris. You ok?" Jake asked.
"Yeah, yeah just a bad dream." He answered.
"Ya know, if you wanna talk about it, um, it's fine. 'Cause as long as I can remember, Milo always had bad dreams." A pang of sadness struck Jake's heart in longing for his brother. He had woken up hoping this was just all a bad dream. But really, the sight of Kris confirmed it wasn't a dream at all.
"Ok Kris you should go out the fire escape by that window, 'cause if Mr. Gusterson catches you, we're in a sticky situation."
"Sticky? What do you mean by sticky? How would it end up sticky?" Kris asked curiously.
Jake giggled and said, "Um it's an expression meaning will be in a whole lot of trouble."
"Ah. I see. But isn't this an orphanage? So can't I be here?" He asked curiously.
"True. Mr. Gusterson won't even notice you, it's not like he cares. But Dennis on the other hand. . . here," Jake said tossing him one of Milo's coats. "Wear your hood up and he won't know the difference."
"Thanks Jake." Kris said with a smile slipping the coat on.
The two walked down the old wooden stairs and down the hall to the kitchen. The kitchen was disgusting, with cobwebs and rodent droppings, along with grease stains and rust.
"Well this is . . . uh . . . lovely..." Kris said trying to sound polite.
"Nope. This is crap." Jake said reaching for a box of Cheerie O's. He then grabbed two stained bowls along with two spoons "You like Cheerie O's or would you rather have toast?"
"You eat O's made of Cheeries? Um, what about this toast you said earlier."
"Oh sure." Jake said pulling out a bag of bread, which didn't look very fresh, and took it to Kris. Kris took out a slice to see mold on the bread.
He gagged in disgust, then said, "Actually those O's are sounding a bit tasty now."
Jake chuckled and handed him the box.
The sound of creaking stairs echoed to the kitchen.
"It's one of the other boys." He whispered. "Remember. Don't talk."
"Oh it's you two." Dennis said in a snarky tone as he lingered in the doorway. "I was hoping you two got arrested or something."
"Well I'm so sorry to get your hopes up!" Jake snapped.
Kris kicked his leg from under the table that they were sitting at and shook his head. Jake knew that was the "don't get involved" look.
"Hey what's with Miloco? Your usually yellin' back at me by now?"
"He uh-he lost his voice-yeah, yeah he lost his voice from the party and all that stuff right Mi?" Jake said slightly grinding his teeth hoping Kris would catch on.
Kris nodded in agreement.
"Well 'Mi'." He mocked, "I like you better this way." He then turned around and walked back up the stairs to his room.
"Oh, how I'd like to-to-to punch that jerk!" Jake said, his fist clenched and turning into ice.
Kris, seeing this, quickly distracted Jake by falling backwards on his chair.
"Oh my gosh let me help you up!"
"Thanks Jake." Kris said, seeing if his hands were back to normal, which they were. "Now when do we go to school?" He continued eagerly.
"Um... We've got a half an hour of cleaning." Jake answered as he began to gulp down the remaining milk from his bowl. He then got up and put it in the sink full of unwashed dishes.
Kris finished his bowl as well and placed in in the sink.
"So let's go get dressed into some other clothes, I'm sure your Milo's size."
As he followed Jake up the stairs he thought of what he just saw. The boy, his powers... They have progressed quicker than I expected, not good. It's a lot of power to master in such a short time... I wonder if the rest of them are at this  stage yet?
* * *
    Amber leaned on the kitchen counter as she had some toast while watching the clock. She was extremely tired from the late night. The coffee brewer went off with a few beeps and the caretaker entered the room, "Where were you last night, Amber." She said, pouring a mug for herself.
    She shrugged, "Out." The caretaker sighed and put the mug down, "Amber. You're out of the house for long hours with no warning. I heard there was a party last night where a bunch of kids got arrested. Do you  know what will happen if you get arrested again?"
Amber shrugged indifferently. The caretaker snapped, "You're going to be forced to be shipped off to Trupin Hall!"
    Amber dropped her piece of toast, "W-w-what?" She said with wide eyes. Her caretaker nodded, "You've been getting in so much trouble that you're really close to be being sent to Trupin. You better clean up your act or you're paying for it."
    The caretaker left Amber alone in the hall. She knew what Trupin Hall was like. It was a place that was like a prison. It  was a place for teens that got into too much trouble. They were strict and the children always had uniforms. They couldn't live freely. Every day there were fights that end horribly. It truly was a prison.
    Amber held onto the counter for support. This couldn't be happening. Not so soon anyway. The wooden counter began to sizzle and smoke from under Amber's hands. Amber gasped and let go of the counter. Two black hand prints were left on the burnt counter. Amber looked at her hands and saw that they were fine. Nothing was wrong with them, "W-what is this...?"
* * *
Luna awoke still tired from the following night. She then wondered if it were  all a dream. It seemed so real though... She got up and stretched. She then looked at their alarm clock, which read 7:35.
"Oh no! Why didn't anyone wake me up!" She cried. Luna jumped out of bed and hurried to get ready as quickly as possible.
Sam walked in. "Hey Lu, why are you still in your PJ's?"
"My alarm! It didn't go off!" She cried.
"Oh. Uh. I'll get your breakfast ready so when you're done you can just gulp down the food."
"Aww thanks Sammy." She said in great relief. She then thought of how he has been such a good big brother figure  to her. But then she thought if Jake. The thought of him had just annoyed her, but she felt really bad at the same time. She shook it off and started to brush her hair.
As Sam placed the freshly made pop tart on a plate, the doorbell rang. Sam set the hot plate on the table and approached the door. He opened it to see Dennis standing there.
"Oh... It's you." Sam said with a disappointment.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's me. Now where's the lovely Luna?"
"She's getting ready. Why are you here?"
"I'm here to walk to school with you two, did Luna forget to tell you?"
"It must of slipped her mind." Sam muttered in an angry tone.
"What was that?" Dennis asked.
"What was what?" Luna said walking into the entry hall.
"Oh I thought I saw a creepy bug or something but it's just fuzz."
"You silly billy. Shall we be on our way?"
"Yup" Dennis said opening the door.
"Fine don't eat the Poptart! But I will!" He said in slightly annoyed.

* * *
Zane woke up the next morning feeling groggy. It was a crazy night and he was lucky Max had made it home without problems. "Ugh I'm so tired..."
Max walked into the room, "Hey Z-"
Max suddenly stopped as Zane dropped his head back onto the pillow. "What do you need Max?" Zane asked. There was no response. "Max?" He looked up and saw Max standing where he was, frozen.
"What the? Max what the heck?" Zane got up and shook Max but he did not move all that much. Zane looked out the window and saw the cars stopped in the middle of the road and the leaves falling from the trees, floating and unmoving in one spot, never making it to the ground.
"What's going on!" He ran over to Max and waved his hand in front of his face. Nothing. He ran down stairs and did the same with anyone he could and nothing happened.
"Oh god oh god oh god!" Zane sat on the ground by Miss Mendez trying to process what  was going on.
Suddenly he heard the familiar, thick accented voice of Miss Mendez, "Zane? What are you doing here? You're going to be late."
"Zane? Zane, where'd you go?" He could hear Max call from upstairs.
What just happened? Zane thought to himself.
* * *
Jake walked onto the school campus depressingly. He longed for his brother. It's his first time going to school without Milo. The sun shined bright radiating many waves of heat on everyone. Jake came prepared in a tank top opposing to Kris who was bundled in Milo's jacket.
"So Kris, how are we going to do this?"
"Simple, we need to get the group together." He answered, searching for Amber.
"Ok let's meetup here at lunch then we can get the team together." Jake answered, looking for Luna.
"Alright see you then."
Jake started to walk to his first period when he saw Zane.
"Hey! Wait!" He called out.
Zane turned around to see Jake rushing towards him. "No! I don't want anything to do with this. I don't want to have any part in this, so good bye." He opened a class door and entered before Jake could speak.
As Kris crept towards a place to hide at he bumped into Amber.
"Oh it's you! Thank god!"
"Um yeaaah.... So. Was yesterday for, like, real?" She asked hoping it wasn't.
"Yes it was real."
"So that boy really got-"
"And you need me to-"
"Ok I'll do it." She said throwing her fist in the air. "So what exactly are we doing?"
"Well we need to save that boy and defeat the shadow king!"
"Come again?" She said in great confusion.
"We need to save-"
"No stop, I knew what you said there, but It just sounds a little far fetched to me, like the Shadow King. It sounds easier said than done honestly." She admitted.
"Well you saw the shadow minions last night. Now imagine that in one evil humongous shadow." He explained.
"Oh poop..."
"So we're meeting at lunch, attempting to get the whole group together and stuff."
"Oh is everyone on board?" She asked.
"Not quite that girl Luna and boy Zane don't want to be a part of this."
"Did you say Zane?"
"Yes, his name is Zane."
"Oooooh then I can handle him." She said with a grinch like smirk.
"Oh that'll be good!"
"Ok see you later."
"See ya"

* * *
Zane awaited for the arrival us his band teacher who was taking a while to get there as usual. Amber turned the corner and spotted him immediately. She was charging straight for him.
"Um, Zane, I think the girl who's homework you do is coming straight for you." Max said moving behind Zane.
"Naw she's uh, uh at least I don't think she is." He said as she got ever so close. When she got close enough she knocked him lightly on the head.
"Yo Zork! why are you being so stubborn!" She hissed.
"About what!"
"Helping us out!
"With. . ."
"Well some guys brother was kidnapped by some shadow monsters and something about a shadow king."
"What do you mean? No we need you!" Amber pleaded.
"For what? Doing your homework." He snapped.
"No! What does any of this half to do with school? How would you like it if he was taken from you." She said pointing at Max.
"Well, I, uh, wouldn't like that."
"And you would go to the ends of the earth to save him?"
"Yes but-"
"So how do you think that one kid feels."
"Exactly, meet us at lunch at least try."
"Fine! But I'm not doing anymore homework for you!" He said storming into the now opened band room.
"Ugh. . . Fine!" She said storming off herself.

* * *
The clock read twelve eighteen, one more minute before lunch. Jake tapped his foot impatiently as the teacher droned on about The Odyssey.
"Jake." the teacher randomly called on him, "What happened at the island of the Lotus Eaters?"
"Uhhh..." Jake hadn't read the chapters he was supposed to read yesterday, due to the party and Milo's kidnapping. "Uh-um." He cleared his throat, "Odysseus and his crew went and met the natives and a-" Before Jake could finish the bell had rung.
Saved by the bell. He thought as the class hurried to go to lunch.
Jake started to walk to the arranged place they said they'll meet up. On his way he walked by Luna.
"Hey Luna." Jake said in a nervous tone.
"Oh. Hi." But she remained focused on the ground and didn't look up.
"So, Luna, are you gonna come to the meeting thing so we can come up with how to save Milo?"
"Um. No. I'm going to eat with my boyfriend." She answered before she took off.
Jake sighed and continued to walk. He sat at a nice table in the shade and pulled out his sandwich and chips. A few minutes passed, then Kris arrived, and right behind him was Amber and Zane, who didn't look happy at all.
"So are we all here?" Amber asked.
"Um no, we're missing Luna she didn't want to come she's on a lunch date with her boyfriend" he said in a mocking tone.
"Well... I know how she feels..." Zane muttered.
Amber punched his shoulder. "Ill get Luna, let's just say I have a magic touch." Amber set her bag down and walked away.
"Wow she's. . ." Kris started.
"A real piece of work." Zane muttered.
"Yeeaaaah." Kris continued dreamily.
Jake slammed his head down with another deep sigh.
* * *
Amber ran and caught up to Luna who hadn't yet been noticed by Dennis that she was nearby the table. Amber grabbed her arm and pulled her back, "Have you no heart?" Luna blinked with a bewildered look on her face, "What?"
Amber rolled her eyes, "Girl you know what I'm talking about. You saw his brother get kidnapped. Don't you want to help?"
Luna shook her head, "Absolutely not! I want no part in it."
Amber pulled Luna with her, "Walk with me."
"Luna I know you have a brother and you've got that boyfriend of yours. How would you feel if they were kidnapped too? Wouldn't you want to help those people with all the power you had? Wouldn't you want others to help you too?"
Luna didn't know how to immediately respond. She knew she would want others to help her in a situation like that. "But Amber, if that was all real, then just think, I could get in some serious trouble for this."
Amber chuckled softly, "Don't worry. Just come to the meeting. Please?"
Dennis came up to the two girls talking. Luna's face was conflicted and deep in thought as Amber awaited her answer.
"Luna?" He said softly, "Babe, is she bothering you?" Luna shook her head, "No. No. I just have to go do something. I'll be back soon babe." She pecked his cheek and walked with Amber to join the group.
* * *
Luna sighed but took a seat at the round table. Jake who's head was still down smelled a heavenly scent, jasmine. He slowly rose his head and peered to his right to see Luna who didn't look too happy. Jake didn't like seeing Luna like this but he was very glad she was here. Amber plopped down next to Kris;
"Told ya so."
"Ok guys." Kris said standing up. "As we all know Jake's brother, Milo, was kidnapped by the shadow minions, who take commands from the shadow king himself. By now he knows all of you exist, which means he has a price on all of our heads. This puts each and everyone of us in danger whether you want to be a part of it or not."
"WHAT?!" Both Zane and Luna abruptly stood in unison, looking madder than they've ever seen them before. "Are you telling me I have to be a part of this whether I like it or not?!" Luna shouted. The surrounding tables had become quiet and stared at Luna, who hadn't seemed to notice.
Kris chuckled nervously, "U-uh L-Luna could you please...?" Luna looked around and saw the staring eyes and cleared her throat, "As you were ladies and gentlemen." And the crowd returned to what it was previously doing.
She smoothed out her skirt and sat back down. Zane slammed his fist on the table, "What did I do to be a part of this? I just got stuck with you guys from a party. I knew it was all a bad idea."
"Guys... Have you all had anything weird happen these past couple days?" Kris asked.
The group grew quiet. All of them had had at least one strange occurrence or another.
"I'm going to take that as a yes. The reason I ask is that people from my world seem to develop a power or two but it's usually just one, and at a certain age these powers become stronger to that person. But I noticed with Jake that his power level was extremely high which is unusual at fifteen."
"So what else do you know about us?" Luna said irritated on how he knew more about her than she does.
"Well thats all I know about except for a prophecy. I wouldn't know much due to always being in the cell."
"Wait. come again?" Jake asked curiously.
"I was locked in a cell I told you that al-"
"Nano no before that."
"Thats about it?"
"After that."
"Oh how it was prophesied."
"Uh yeah! You never mentioned that!" Jake said slightly raising his voice and standing up.
"Oops" He said chuckling guiltily.
"Well what is it?!?"
"Oh yeah. So, in the cell where I was kept, I noticed a message scratched into the stone wall. But, not all of it was there. I remember it saying fifteen years after the reign of the shadow king had begun, the five children of the Great Kings and Queens will return to defeat the Shadow King with their powers and release the kingdom from the darkness."
"But why did you come here if you knew we would overrule the Shadow King?" Luna asked.
"I didnt plan on coming because I figured you would come yourselves. But then one night I had a dream, a dream of a boy telling me that I had to bring you guys together or the prophecy wouldn't come true. So I escaped, which was successful. Then I found you all and I knew was I had to bring you together, but Milo was taken instead of me and now things might be a bit more complicated."
"Hey if the prophecy says we win then what's to fear." Amber said full of confidence.
"Well the Shadow King will try anything in his power to stop it from coming true."
"Like kidnapping Milo." Jake said sitting slowly back down.
"So what you're saying is he can change it." said Zane who didn't like what he was hearing.
"Ok then why would we-" Luna started but was cut off by Kris.
"Luna if you do nothing he will find you and will take you, or even kill you."
"So what you're saying is if I do nothing, I could get killed and if I do something I can also get killed but I might live. Maybe."
"Basically. Yes."
"Oh to joy!"
"Hey Zane." a soft voice said from behind. It was Max his bottom lip was cut and his eye was becoming black.
"NOT NOW MAX! GO AWAY!" Zane snapped without noticing his injuries.
Max sighed and began to walk away. No one noticed Max but Amber. As Kris was explaining stuff to the aggravated Zane and Luna, Amber got up and followed him. 

Royal BloodOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora