Chapter 9 The Shack in the Woods

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"Do it for Milo. Do it for Luna." He whispered to himself over and over.
    Jake brought a shaking hand up to the weathered down wooden door and knocked three times. The door slowly creaked open. Jake's heart was basically vibrating in his chest at this point.
A sweet, little old lady's face popped out, "Why hello there. How may I help you deary?" She greeted him with a sweet smile.
Jake sighed in relief, nearly at the point of passing out. "Good morning ma'am." He put on a smile, "You see, my friends and I are quite lost and we'd like a place to stay. We won't make a mess and be out of your hair as quickly as we can. All we ask is a place to dry ourselves after traveling through waters."
"Oh! You poor things! Well come in, it would be no trouble to me at all to help youngsters like yourselves. Come in! Come in!"
The others looked at each other and  silently agreed that it was safe to enter. They joined Jake at the front steps and all walked in, following the little old lady as she went in.
The shack wasn't entirely just a little shack. The inside was huge and marvelous, like a mansion. Paintings and murals decorated the walls. The chairs were carved from fine ebony, the table tops made from polished marble that glittered in the light. Velvet curtains draped over windows and even the carpet was made from a fine material that seemed very pricey.
Amber breathed out in disbelief, "Wow. Who would've thought. It's like the Weasleys tent in Harry potter! But better!"
"I didn't know you read books." Zane joked.
"Hey just 'cause I look like I don't read, doesn't mean I don't read. I actually like reading for your information."
"I must be dreaming." Luna said as she felt the furniture and walls as she walked by them.
A servant girl came out with a pile of towels, "Milady requested these be given to you." She said with a tiny voice, holding out the towels for each person to grab one.
"Thank you!" they all said. She bowed, "And if you would like to change into dry clothes, there are clothes laid out in each bedroom. Follow me."
Jake grinned, "We get our own bedrooms! Oh man I can't wait!" He said excitedly, following close behind the maid.
"We'll have dinner in exactly an hour. To request a maid, pull on one of the ropes you see hanging from the ceiling and stay put. A maid will come to you and lead you to wherever you please, the arcade, the kitchen, the library, the pool,  the spa, etc., etc."
"Oh. My. God. There's a spa!" Luna squealed in delight. "Is there another maid? I'm going there right now."
"As you wish." The maid pulled a rope and another servant girl, looking strangely almost identical to her, came around the corner. not asking where Luna wanted to go, only saying to follow, Luna followed her, "So long boys!"
"Ah Princess Luna needs a mud bath, didn't she get get one of those by the lake?" Amber joked. The guys chuckled, "Come on Amber, I'm pretty sure you're going to find a room you're never going to leave either."
"Oh I have a feeling you'll be right."
"Here's the first room." The maid opened the door to a marvelous guest room with furniture carved from ebony upholstered with a deep, rich velvet and black walls splattered with neon colored paint. On the bed were clothes that seemed to be a perfect fit for Amber with a brand-new skateboard lying next to it, designed with a phoenix sitting amongst the flames.
Amber jumped with excitement, squealing and running into the room, rolling onto the soft bed, checking out the entire room, "I'm in paradise! And a new board!" She sighed in bliss and flopped onto the bed, hugging her new board.
"I think we found the room she's never leaving." Kris chuckled.
The boys followed the maid to the neighboring room. The door opened to reveal a mostly simple, white bedroom. White walls, white carpet, white bedsheets, white upholstered furniture with carved wood made from a light oak. There was a work-table with shelves lining one of the walls, containing jars and drawers of tools and parts for Kris to tinker with.
"Woah..." Kris looked around the room in wonder. He jumped onto the bed, "Ah this is the most comfortable bed I've ever seen! I think I'm just going to sleep here for days and days." He said dreamily.
Bright colored fruits shaped, strangely, in hearts, stars and more were in a bowl by the bed, "Are these actual fruits?" Jake said, picking up a purple, star shaped one.
"Yes. They're a special fruit only found here. You may eat as many as you wish."
"Awesome! I'm pretty hungry." Jake grabbed a handful and followed the maid to the next room.
Zane's room contained various gaming systems and advanced technology taking up the entire space, only leaving little room for a bed and one wall where saxophones, ranging from soprillo to subcontrabass, were mounted on the wall. Zane's jaw dropped at the sight, "My little corner of heaven!"
Zane ran to check out everything he could. There was another door in his room that he opened revealing a walk-in closet. One wall was lined with clothes while the other was line with headphones of every size, color and shape to be thought of. Aside from the bed, the other other furniture was a simple wooden table and a comfortable chair.
The maid and Jake left Zane as he ran around the room jumping and laughing with delight.
Last was Jake's room. He saw there was a pink door right next to his, "Hey, is that Luna's room?"
"Why yes it is."
Jake grinned. He got the only room next to Luna's.
The maid opened the door and revealed Jake's room.
The walls were a lovely blue, Jakes favorite color. There were watercolor paintings and posters of Palm trees, beaches, and sunsets. There were penny boards and surfboards completely covering a wall. The room even had a smell and a breeze one would only feel by the sea. Tank tops lay across the bed with pairs of sunglasses to match.
"This is too good to be true." He gasped in disbelief.
"I take it that you like it, boy. I'll be on my way."
After the maid left, Jake sat at the table eating the strange fruits. He found it strangely suspicious that they all received what they considered to be the perfect room. They had just arrived and met these people.
But with each bite of the fruit, that feeling faded away and his only thought was to sit back and enjoy everything.
* * *
    At dinner, the group all met at the table, now dressed in dry clothes. the old woman sat at the head of the table, "Are you enjoying your stay?"
Luna had arrived right as the woman had asked. Her trip to the spa made her look like she was glowing. Jake became dreamy eyed at the sight of Luna.
"H-h-hey Luna."
    The group nodded, "Yes ma'am! We love it here."
    "Wonderful." The maids came filling in with silver trays all containing the same fruit they found in Kris' room. "Is this the dinner?" Luna asked, picking up a red, star-shaped fruit, "Why yes. I apologize for only having these to give you but they're quite good."
The group exchanged glances before hesitantly taking a bite.
"Woah." Zane said in surprise as he took the first bite. "These taste like cookies."
"No way."
Zane nodded, "No seriously! Try it!"
All except Kris had taken a bite of the fruit.
"No it tastes like ice cream!"
"Nu-uh its chocolate!"
Kris observed the fruit. He never seen such a thing that had these sweet flavors. Kris looked at the others. He was going to go by quickly and they had to leave soon. Something was up though. He had a strange feeling in his bones.
"Aren't ya gonna eat Kris?"
Amber asked before taking a bite of a triangle shaped fruit.
"U-uh yeah sure." To avoid offending his host, he took a bite. Strangely, the feeling of suspicion and staying on schedule faded quickly. The only thought in his mind was staying here and eating more of the fruit.
* * *
After dinner Amber sat on her bed strumming a guitar.
A few rooms down Jake was trying on all of the tops. 
Luna emerged from her room to get more of the delicious fruit and peered into Jake's.
Jake caught her in the corner of his eye and he spun around, shirtless.
Luna gazed at his chest, with pecs and abs in formation. She quickly stepped out of it thinking about Dennis. She continued on to the kitchen.
Jake put the final tank on then examined the room more closely. He noticed on the bed side table a picture frame. He hopped on the bed and bounced towards the picture.
"OH-MY-GOD!" Jake said in shock grabbing the picture. It was a picture of Milo.
"How do they have a picture of Milo if-?" Jake started to second guess everything but caught himself eating one of the fruits, he dropped the picture and the one of the maids walked in with another bowl of fruit.
"Thank you!" Jake said grabbing it from her."
* * *
Zane emerged from his room having beat all of the games.
"This place is so big there has to be more stuff." Zane said wandering past the numerous doors. After a while he came across this one door made of wood, unlike the rest, it resembled the entrance door. As he bit his fruit he opened the door but then he tripped. He watched as his fruit bounced in front of him. But what it stopped on was the scary part.
He saw a bone, then another, then a pile, then another pile. He followed the many bones to find human skulls! He let out a silent scream and ran back inside closing the door behind him with a pounding heart. He had to find the others.
He rushed down a hallway and ran into the old lady.
"Oh Zane! You look like you've seen a ghost."
"No just getting exercise." He lied.
She gave him a curious look and handed him a fruit, "This'll help ya, deary."
He smiled nervously and took the fruit. "Thank you. I'm going to go find some of the others to hang out and eat these delicious fruits." With that Zane quickly sped to find the others.
He heard girls giggling as he passed a room and backed up, seeing Luna being pampered by the maids in what appeared to be a spa.
"Luna!" He was glad he could find her first.
"Oh hey Zane. Supp?"
"C-can I talk to you in private?"
Luna waved her hands and the maids left. "What's up Zane? You look a little pale."
He nodded and pulled Luna closer to him so he could whisper, "Luna, I was walking around today. And I ran into something... long story short... I think we need to get out of here.
Luna laughed, "Aw come on, Zane. What could be so bad we'd have to leave? I love it here."
"No, really. Luna we need to get out of here. Quick. Before she even notices we're gone."
Luna ruffled his hair, "You're just being a little crazy. You really should take gaming break every now and then. Ladies! Is that facial stuff ready?"
"Wonderful. See ya, Zane." With that Luna left Zane.
He sighed, "Okay. Maybe the others will believe me."
Zane ran to the hall of bedrooms and opened the first door he saw. Inside was Amber and Kris sitting on the floor. Amber, strumming softly on her guitar and singing with a gentle voice as Kris listened, tinkering away to create tiny, mechanical animals that would move on their own if you turned the key and other little creations Zane couldn't quite make out yet.
"H-hey guys." He leaned awkwardly on the doorway.
"Ayy sup, Zane? Wanna join us on the floor club here?" Kris said in a very laid back voice.
"Nah I'm good. So guys... when are we gonna, you know, continue that little adventure we started yesterday?"
"Oh we will. Later though, we need to get provisions together and all that. It can wait ya know?"
Zane blinked. This was one of the few times Zane heard Kris speak in such an informal way. He nearly sounded like Amber. They both even had strange flashy clothes on. He knew they had to leave this place. Soon.
"Oh, uh, okay. Um, how about we pack what we can now and, you know, leave soon."
Amber chuckled, "Damn, the guy who didn't want to go is the first one that wants to leave."
Zane groaned. He knew he wasn't going to get through to this two. It was like they were high but still somewhat functioning. Why were they like this? It was like everything else had been forgotten.
Zane tried again. The only person he could convince now was Jake. Maybe even that wasn't going to work.
He knocked on Jake's door that opened on its own. Inside, Jake rode around on a penny board wearing a tank top and sunglasses, like he was going to go to the beach.
"Ayyye!" Jake jumped off his board and pulled some sodas out of the mini fridge in his room, tossing one to Zane, "Dude this place is awesome. I've basically got my own mini beach in my room."
Zane put down the soda, "That's great. But shouldn't we get back on the road? You know. To save Milo."
Jake chuckled and sat back, "Nah man, its cool. We've only been here for one day. We'll be leaving soon. Go with the flow and enjoy it bruh."
Zane couldn't believe his ears. Jake wasn't thinking about his brother. His own brother, who he would go to the ends of the earth for.
Jake picked up a fruit, "Bruh I'm so hungry. And these things are sooooo good."
Zane came to a realization. He knew Jake would give up every paradise in the world for his brother. Something else was holding him back.
Zane quickly slapped the fruit out of Jake's hand before he could take a bite, "Don't eat it! Jake we need to go! Now! If not, we're never going to save your brother!"
"Dude, take a chill pill man."
Zane growled and saw a picture of Milo lying on the floor. He picked it up, "Jake. You see this picture? It's your brother, the entire reason you started this. He could be dying now for all you know! These things are keeping you here!"
Jake stared at the picture in silence for the longest time. "Dear god, you're right." He looked at the fruit he was holding and threw it aside like it was poison. "Dude pack everything you're gonna need. We need to escape. Tonight."
Zane sighed in relief. He made it through to someone. "I can't convince the others though..." Zane muttered disappointedly.
Jake patted his shoulder. "Don't worry. I know Kris will be the more willing of the three. If the girls don't cooperate its alright. Pack what you can now then go to Kris. I'll get Luna.
Zane nodded and ran to his room, hopeful their escape won't be difficult.
Jake had his bag ready. He set it down behind the door and walked to Luna's door.
He knocked but he received no response. He opened it to see just an empty room, no furniture, no Luna, nothing. Jake ran to the spa, she wasn't there. He ran to the other rooms she would've been at but yet she wasn't in any of them. He huffed and ran his fingers through his hair.
"Sir." A maids voice said from behind.
Jake jumped up, startled, "Oh u-uh hello."
The maid blinked, "You seem distressed sir. Would you like some fruit?"
"No! Uh, I mean, no thank you. By the way, which room is Luna in? I need to give her something."
"Oh, I'll take it to her for you."
"No that's alright. I need to go myself. You know where she is right?"
"I'm afraid I can't tell you."
"And why not?"
"Why don't you go back to your room sir?"
"Where is she?" Jake was getting annoyed. He knew she was hiding something from him. He grabbed her arm and dragged her after him.
"Sir! Unhand me!"
"Not until I find Luna."
He ran into Zane with Kris following close behind him. Each had a duffel bag and a backpack with them ready to go. "I heard what Zane told me. I'm glad you guys realized it before anything went wrong." Kris said.
Jake nodded, "Zane was the one who got it. But we have a problem now." He held the maid in front of him, "Luna's missing. And She knows where she is."
"Sir, I don't know what it is you speak of. I beg of you, unhand me now."
"Wait." Kris said, "I think I know where Luna might be."
"Really? Where?" Jake asked, worried for Luna.
"I saw her walk into the kitchen with the old woman. I don't know why Luna would want to go to a kitchen."
"Haven't you noticed nothing is cooked here?" Zane realized, "Why would they need a kitchen if they don't cook anything here?"
The maid turned and bit Jake's hand. "OW!" Jake let go and she dashed down the hall, "They've figured it out! Hurry! Don't let them escape!"
The three boys turned to face each other, "Zane! Kris! Run and get Amber and our provisions! I'll go get Luna."
"Are you sure you want to do that alone Jake?" Zane asked
Jake nodded, "Yes. It'll be easier for the both of you to carry our provisions and find Amber."
The two nodded and they split up. Jake ran full speed to where the kitchen was. He knew time was ticking for Luna.
Jake threw the kitchen door open and saw the old woman stirring a large cauldron. Near by was Luna, strapped to a chair with a gag tied over her mouth, with a look of fear plastered on her face.
"Well, well, well. It seems like I've been figured out." The old woman tapped the wooden spoon on the cauldron and tasted the soup, "Mmm, delicious. All it needs now are you and your little friends." The old woman turned to face Jake. Her sweet, rosy cheeked face began to turn black and   large, yellow fangs grew from her teeth. Red eyes stared hungrily at Jake from under the wrinkled, black skin. The creature grew ten times in size, the room just tall enough to fit her.
"You won't get away with this!" Jake huffed.
"Oh but I have been getting away with it for over three hundred years." she crackled.
The creature roared mightily and lunged at Jake. He jumped out of the way and dashed for Luna. But the creature was quicker. It turned and picked Jake up with its long, ugly fingers and threw him across the room from Luna.
Luna could do nothing as she screamed under the gag and cried, struggling beneath the restraints. The creature untied Luna and picked her up. She kicked and screamed as the creature neared the cauldron.
Jake shook his head and regained his senses. He saw a spoon on the ground that was big enough to be a walking stick not too far from where he was.
Jake ran as fast as he could and grabbed the wooden spoon. He smacked it into the kitchen counter, breaking off the spoon, leaving a sharp, splintered handle.
He ran and jumped onto the creature's back, climbing up to its neck. With all his strength, his stabbed the creature in the eye. It roared in pain and dropped Luna. Jake untied her and grabbed her hand, running out of the kitchen.
"You can never escape me! I'll find you my pretties!" A demonic voice screeched.
"Where's everyone else?" Luna asked taking her gag of as she tried to keep up with Jake. "Kris and Zane went to get Amber and some provisions. They know we need to escape."
They heard hundreds of screeches coming from around the corner farther ways down the hall. Out came Amber, riding full speed on her board shooting demented little bat like creatures with jet black eyes and ugly leathered skin flying at her with a shined, silver gun.
She saw Jake and Luna down the hall, "Guys!" She unbuckled a sword from her belt and tossed it to Jake, and a bow with a quiver of arrows to Luna. Jake quickly put the sash around his waist and removed the sword from the scabbard, slicing one of the creatures that flew at him in half. Luna aimed for the creature and hit it straight in the chest, pinning it to the wall. The creature shrieked in pain and exploded, leaving a green goop on the wall.
"Nice shot!" Amber shouted. She aimed her gun and shot a hole through one of the creatures.
"Hey, no fair! You get a gun?!"
"I like guns! And I heard you were a good shot with arrows!"
Kris and Zane came running around the corner, slicing through the creatures that flew at them. "Guys! We're almost at the entrance! Run!" Kris shouted.
The once-old-woman creature ran at them from the other direction, one eye shut and bloody. "Can't really do that Kris!" Jake and Luna screamed, running the other way.
"Kill the leader! They won't know what to do without it!"
"I blinded it in one eye already! Get the other one!"
"I got it!" Amber aimed and pulled the trigger, hitting it right in the other eye.
It roared in pain, "My eye! You'll all pay for this!" The creature threw its head back, "Feast my children! Feast on their flesh and blood!" The creatures screeched and dived for whoever they could.
"There's too many of them!" Luna tried to shoot as many as she could, but she could not hit all of them.
Jake sliced at the ones that came close enough to Luna, the two working like a together gracefully.
Amber made her way over to the two, "Luna! Jake! I'll try and clear the way, you guys go for the old lady!"
Zane and Kris sliced through the the little creatures, "Don't forget us!" Zane shouted.
"We've got your backs guys! Go for it, Jake, Luna!"
Jake and Luna turned to each other, "Do it for Milo, Jake! Stay alive for Milo!" Luna shouted over the screeches. They nodded at each other and began running full speed in the direction of the old lady.
Amber skated full speed ahead, shooting as many bat-creatures as she could to clear the path, Zane ran in front of Luna and Jake, slicing through the creatures with his scythe. Kris followed behind, stabbing and cutting the creatures that tried to attack them from behind.
The Old-woman-creature knew they were coming for it. She clawed and bit in every direction to avoid being killed. Zane sliced one of the hands off, the creature screaming in pain, clutching the arm where black goo was oozing out of.
Kris sliced off it's foot, causing it to fall to the ground.
"Aim for the heart!" Kris shouted. Luna aimed an arrow for the creature's heart but got slapped aside by the old-woman's flailing arm.
"Luna!" Jake wanted to run to her but he knew killing the creature would only take one shot for him. he saw his opportunity, it was completely exposed.
Jake ran with all the might he could put into his legs. He jumped, and put all his weight behind the sword, sinking the blade into the creature's chest.
It roared and writhed in pain before falling limp.
the tiny, bat-like creatures watched in horror as their leader fell dead.
They began to expand, the little creatures screaming in pain, before exploding into a green, gooey mess.
"Ugh these things are gross..." Amber whined, wiping the goo away from her face.
"You have that part right." Luna groaned.
"Let's get out of here." Jake pulled the sword out of the creature, cleaning it off with his shirt. The creature melted, and it turned into a black puddle in the hallway.
"Can we take a shower at least?"
"Let's just rinse off what we can and hurry back onto the road."
the group agreed and ran to the nearby spa showers, but there was no more fancy spas, It was just a normal small shack.
"I guess we use the hose outside."
They opened the door to a cloudy sky. The leaves were brown and a cold wind blew past them.
"What the heck?"
"When we left home fall was starting."
"How long were we in there...?"

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