Chapter 4 The New Kid In Town

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Kris was three days in of wandering the forest. He was certain he lost the guards. He got off the horse once he reached a wishing well, "Here ends our journey together..." He said softly, stroking the horse's mane.
    Kris turned towards the well, tapping a particular stone's corners. up, left, across, down. A green light emitted from within the well. He swung his legs over the edge and took a deep breath. "Otherworld. Here I come." And down he went, on his way to the other world.
    Seconds later Kris popped out of a well in a park. "Boy how I hate portal travel... Now I must find them to warn them, the shadow minions will be here only in a matter of days."
    "Hey you!" A gruff voice yelled, with a thick New Jersey accent.
    Kris looked around,confused. "You done talking to yourself or can ma baby goyal make a wish."
    "Oh, I'm so sorry she can make her wish." he said moving away from the well. Now where will I find them in a kingdom as colossal as this? he thought.
"And shouldn't you be in school." the man added.
"YES! A school! Of course!" Kris said running off.
"Wow never saw a kid so eager for school before, that wacko..."
* * *
    Amber sat in class, bored, doodling at the corners of her papers. She really wanted to get out of the class, "Mrs.Reynolds? May I use the restroom?" The teacher handed her the pass and Amber left. She wandered around campus for a while, enjoying the fresh air.
    Ahead, she could see a tall blonde boy wandering the halls looking extremely confused.
Amber approached him, "Um. Dude. Are you lost?" He looked at her and blinked for a few seconds before his face lit up. "Its you! I found you finally!"
    Amber was confused. Why was this guy, who she had never seen before, so happy to see her? "Um... Are you okay bro?"
He nodded excitedly with a grin on his face, "Of course! You don't know the things I've gone through to find you. Do you know where the other's are?"
Amber blinked. She had no idea what he was talking about, "Dude. Did you get hit in the head or something? The nurse's office if right down the hall."
Kris shook his head, "No I'm fine. I just need to find the other four. You know that girl that's always holding hands with that one guy, the two brothers, and the tall kid you bother for homework-"
"Wait how do you know about Zane? Only me and the gang know about Zane." Amber interrupted him. The fact she had Zane doing her homework was something confidential only Zane, Max, and the group knew about.
"I saw you all in my dreams. Every night I see something new."
Amber nodded slowly, "Well, um, you're weird and I'm going to go back to class."
Kris grinned, "Class? Can I come?"
Amber looked at him weirdly, "No... Go back to your own class. You're gonna get a detention."
"Amber at least meet me after school and I'll tell you everything." Kris pleaded with puppy dog eyes that were so adorable Amber had to give in. She sighed, "Alright fine. At the front of the gym alright? If you're not there I'm going home." Kris smiled and nodded.
Amber ran up the stairs to go back to her class.
Wow how beautiful. Kris thought watching her climb the stairs.
* * *
    Back in in the band room Zane was playing his saxaphone gracefully, with his fingers dancing across the buttons. To his left was Max on the trumpet, and behind him was a boy named Wayne. Like Dennis to Jake, Wayne was obnoxious and an annoyance to Zane, which probably explained why Wayne and Dennis were such good friends.
The song they played came to an end.
           "Hey Max! When you're spitting into an instrument, or if that's what you call playing, do it right!" Wayne whined.
    "Wayne can you please leave him alone for one day." Zane pleaded.
    "Who made you king of the band room. The only thing you're king of is king of the losers with your jester at your side," he mocked pointing at Max.
    Zane glared at Wayne, his anger bubbling inside him. He felt he had enough of him today. The lights began to buzz loudly before bursting above their heads, the light fixtures nearly landing on everyone.
Then the room froze, light fixtures and light sparks were hanging in midair. The surprised and scared looks of the other students stayed on the students who were as still as statues. Only Zane could move, "What's going on?" He asked himself frightened. He waved his hand in front of his best friends face but he remained frozen.
    Zane looked around the room with wide eyes wondering what to do. But then, time began again and everyone was staring at the confused Zane who, had just a moment ago, been on the other side of the room.
* * *
    It was sixth period, and for Jake and Luna it was PE. Mr. Namrepus was howling at all the students to run faster. Jake was looking for Luna on the track and caught up with her. Jake knew Luna didn't like him because of all the lies Dennis told her, so he hoped she wouldn't notice he was running with her.
Luna turned her head and scowled.
"Oh. Its you." she said slowly but she then slipped on a crumpled up water bottle. Jake dived for her and Luna grabbed his arm. For that split second they meet eyes but the moment ended shortly.
"Um... Thanks." she said standing up. She noticed  he had a bandaid on his arm. "What happened to your arm?"
"Oh I cut myself accidently, but I should take the bandage off." Jake said ripping it off. To both Jake and Lunas amazement there was no cut not even a mark.
"What the...?" Jake observed his arm and saw there wasn't even a tiny scratch.
"Hey! You two! Get over here you slackers!" Mr.Namrepus hollered at them, causing the pair to jump from the sudden noise. "NOW!"
Luna and Jake exchanged glances, for they knew what was to come. Mr.Namrepus was a teacher that never excepted average. The students had to be like Olympic athletes to receive an "A" in his class and he never accepted when someone wasn't running. "You two little slacker standing around and talking in my class! You get an "F" today! You have to run fifteen laps within this class period! Anything less results in a detention!"
Luna and Jake's eyes widened. They knew Mr.Namrepus worked the students for his detention worse than a drill sergeant would at a marine boot camp.
The two began running as fast as the could, "Thanks a lot Jake. Now I have an "F" and I have to run or get detention." She chided him for dragging her into this mess.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to Luna. Honestly."
Luna ignored him and ran faster to complete the fifteen laps.
Jake facepalmed himself in his stupidity. He already had a bad impression on Luna to begin with and now she really didn't like him. "Run faster you lazy maggots!"
* * *
Once the last period bell rang, Amber bid goodbye to her friends and made an excuse as to why she wasn't going home with them. She rode over to the front of the gym and saw Kris was there, just as they had agreed.
"You're here!" Kris jumped up with a smile, "I was afraid you weren't going to come."
Amber kicked up her skateboard, "My word is my bond. I don't tell people I'll do something if I'm not planning on doing it."
She pulled two soda's out of her bag and tossed one to Kris, "So what's your name?"
He observed the can closely. He had never seen such a thing in his life. "Amber. What is this strange object?"
Amber laughed, "You're funny, you don't know what a soda can is?"
Kris tilted his head in curiosity, "Soda can? What's inside it?"
Amber stopped laughing, "Wait you're really serious right now. You don't know what this is?"
Kris shook his head.
Amber chuckled, "It's a drink. Man have you been living on Mars or something?" She opened up the can and handed it to him, "Drink it. It's really good."
He took a sip, "Wow." He took another sip, "I've never tasted such a sweet drink."
Kris pointed to her skateboard, "And what is that? You came in riding it. I've never seen such an object." She held up her board, "This old thing? It's a skateboard. Dude, where are you from man? I've never met a person who didn't know what a skateboard is."
Kris took a large gulp of his drink, "I'm from a distant land. It's currently known as the Shadow Realm. Our people haven't seen bright days and happiness in years. But now I've found you." He grinned, "I just have to find the others and we can free our realm again and the rightful leaders shall return."
Amber couldn't take his story seriously. This sounded like it would be something you would pull out of a fairy tale. She chuckled, "Dude you're crazy. Did you get hurt recently? I can get you some help."
Kris gave her a confused look, "What do you mean? I'm perfectly sane."
Amber backed away, "Well then I'll just get going home now. You should too. Rest that head of yours a bit."
Kris blinked, "But wait. I can't go back. They'll punish me for leaving."
Amber jumped on her board, "Dude seriously I don't have the time for this."
Kris ran in front of her, "I have nowhere to go. Please I need you and the others. I'm too far in to go back."
Kris gave her a puppy look that was beyond adorable, "Come on man, don't give me that look." He continued to stare at her with eyes like a puppy. Amber sighed, "Grrrrr fine! So you really have no place to go?"
He nodded, "Do you have any money?" He searched through his pockets, "I'm not sure if this is the money you use." He pulled out a wad of hundred bills from his pocket, causing Amber's jaw to drop, "Woah! Bruh how did you get that much!"
Kris blinked, "The king had many of these. I took some because they looked interesting."
Amber took one of the bills out and held it up to confirm it was real, "By god they're real..." She mumbled to herself. She rolled the wad back up and gave it to Kris. "Do you have anything else?"
Kris shook his head, "Nope. Everything I have on me is what I have."
Amber sighed, "At least I have a place for you to sleep. It's not going to be all that warm and comfy though so no complaints."
Kris nodded, "That's fine. Anything is better than sleeping in that cold, dark, dungeon every night."
Amber gave him a bewildered look and shook her head, this guy was really nuts.
* * *
Kris followed Amber all the way to an old, abandoned looking building not too far from the school. The old brick structure had most of the windows boarded off. The floorboards creaked underneath them with every step and the hinges of the doors creaked and groaned loudly as they were opened. The walls of the halls and bedrooms were all splattered with random colors of paint over the peeling green wallpaper.
One of the bedrooms had an old, dusty bunk bed in it with a faded blue quilt folded neatly on the mattress. The walls were covered with either posters of stars or paint splatters. The room had random things hanging from the rafters, whether it be dream catchers or any strange trinkets of some sort.
"It's not five star, as you can see, but its better than the street. There's more blankets in the closet." She opened the window and got the dust off the sheets, "Sorry about the mess. I only sleep here every so often. But for now you can stay here as long as you don't get caught going in and out."
Kris nodded and looked around the room, "Do you own this place?"
Amber chuckled and shook her head, "I don't. No one does for all anyone knows. Just a forgotten little building no one bothered to do anything about."
Kris observed the look on her face as she said it and observed the place. This rickety, old building had a meaning behind it only she would understand.
"Well I'll get going. Make yourself at home dude." She turned and began to leave the room. But a piece of paper fell out of her pocket and fluttered towards the floor.
Kris picked up the paper, "Wait. You dropped your paper." He started reading the paper, "A party? Are you going to a ball? It's tonight! I've never been to a ball before..."
Amber laughed and took the paper, "It's not a ball. It's just some casual party. Some kid's parents are out for the weekend. Seems like everyone's going."
There was a twinkle in Kris's eyes, "Could I come? Please?" He made a pouting face just begging her to bring him with her.
Amber sighed, "What is it with your face? Sure whatever. I'll be back in a few hours. You'll be ready by then?"
He grinned and nodded, "Yes Ma'am! I'll be ready by then." He saluted. "But wait. I don't have any clothes. These aren't very presentable."
Amber nodded, "I'll bring you some. One of the guys will probably be cool with it.
* * *
Zane and Max raced to the kitchen to get some food. The boys were starving after their long day. "Boys! No running in the house!" Mrs.Mendez's heavy accent was heard from a few rooms over.
Mrs.Mendez came into the room tying her apron as she walked, "Oh, Zane, I found this." She pulled out a wrinkled piece of paper from the pocket, "It's an invitation to a party. I found it in the trash."
Max turned to Zane, "You got invited to that party! You told me we didn't get invited."
Zane cringed, "I was hoping you wouldn't find that..."
"Sorry mister, but you're going. You need to meet new people. You're always stuck in the room tapping at the computer. Your brother really wants to go too. Both of you go out and meet people. You might make a new best friend."
Max jumped in happiness while Zane groaned. "Now go get ready. You both smell."
"Yes Mrs.Mendez." The two boys said before running up the stairs.
* * *
Jake had finally arrived home and flopped on his bed. Milo was on his bed reading his book for english class, "How was your day?" he asked absentmindedly.
Jake rolled onto his back and smiled, "Having to run fifteen laps with Luna. Worth it."
Milo chuckled and shook his head, "The crazy things we do for love."
He closed his book and grabbed his keys and guitar, "I'm leaving for that party now. Wanna come?"
Jake shook his head, "No thanks. I've got homework."
Not a moment later, Dennis burst into the room, "Guess what losers." He said with a smirk.
Jake rolled his eyes, "What do you want?"
Dennis leaned against the doorway, "Luna is going to that party with me. You jelly?"
Jake glared at Dennis and laughed sarcastically, "Heh heh that's nice. Hey Mr.Gusterson called for you earlier."
Dennis turned around to look down the hall, "He did?"
At that moment Jake slammed the door behind Dennis and locked it. Milo blinked, "Greaaaat. Now that that's been done, I'll be leaving through the fire escape before Mr.Gusterson rips my head off." Milo put his guitar through the window first and began to crawl through.
"Milo I'm going to that party."
Milo chuckled, "This kid... Well come on then, before Mr.Gusterson sees us." The two boys crawled out the window and ran to the car before Mr.Gusterson had made it to the door to punish them.
Milo sped off as Mr.Gusterson stood in the front lawn yelling red-faced at the boys. "Man he is gonna be piiiiiissed." Milo joked. "Worth it." The boys fist-bumped and made their way to the party.

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