Chapter 5 Party Time!

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The extravagant house had colorful lights emitting from the windows, the sounds of teens cheering, and blasting music that made the whole house shake and bounce.
Zane stood awkwardly with his drink in hand as Max went off to dance to the music. Zane was afraid to drink the drink he had. It had a smell of alcohol in it, and due to how everyone was acting, he knew it was spiked.
Milo played his guitar a few rooms over with a few other guitar enthusiasts, trying to see who could play the best and most difficult songs. There many guitars of different sorts to make different styles of music. It was guitar heaven in a room.
Luna and Dennis were dancing together to the music, causing envy to flame within Jake. He wanted to push Dennis away from her and dance with her, but he knew he couldn't.
"I'll be back." Luna said with a light giggle before leaving her boyfriend.
Dennis turned and saw Jake standing there with an envious look on his face, "Aw. Is little baby Jake jealous?"
"Shut up Dennis."
"Make me. Wuss."
Anger flared within Jake, "I don't even know how a guy like you could end up with a girl like her."
Dennis snorted, "You're just mad I got the girl and you didn't. Listen kid. Stay away from my girlfriend. You might infect her with your germs."
"You sorry excuse for a human being why don't you-"
"E-hem." Luna coughed.
"Oh Luna. I-I didn't see you there." Jake said awkwardly. He knew Luna had already disliked him. He could only hope she heard the previous argument.
"Well I did see you being a very big jerk to one of the sweetest guys I know." Okay so she didn't.
"No. No. Luna it's not what it seems. He-"
"I don't want to hear it." She stopped him, "You're always a bully to Dennis when he's one of the sweetest guys on Earth." Luna took Dennis's hand, "Let's go somewhere else babe."
With a smile on his face, Dennis nodded, "Yeah let's go somewhere else. He's been hurting my feelings since you left." As they walked away, Dennis turned and stuck his tongue out at Jake. Luna was completely oblivious to the action.
Jake growled and pulled at his hair, "Why did she have to walk in at the wrong time? I'm not like what she thinks I am." He sighed heavily and turned his attention to the stage where a show was beginning. "Ugh where's Milo!" Jake said stomping off to find him. Jake was looking through the different rooms and found Milo. Milo had his guitar in one hand and a beer in the other. The smell of cigarettes reeking from the room.
Milo saw Jake's face and knew something "Wow um Jake just let me uh-"
"Save it Mi! I-I'm gonna go."
"Guys I got to go." Milo said placing his beer down and going after his brother.
"Jakey wait."

* * *
Amber and Kris arrived in the midst of the wild partying. Amber bobbed her head to the fast paced music, "It's been a while since I've been to a party like this." She stretched her arms and made her way to the dance floor, Kris following close behind.
"Amber." He said over the loud music, "What are we supposed to do here?"
Amber jumped with the crowd to the music, "Just dance!" She said gleefully.
Kris looked around to observe everyone and their strange dance moves when he noticed who surrounded him. Jake was trying to get through the crowd, he looked distressed with a worried Milo following. Luna was dancing with her partner or attempting to that is. Dennis had no rhythm. Zane was awkwardly standing in the crowd clearly uncomfortable.
Kris looked and saw it was everyone he was looking for. The people he came to find were all on this dance floor with him.
A few shrieks were heard and the music stopped. Shouts from police were heard as uniformed men with flashlights began to break through the crowd.
"RUN!" Amber shouted. Milo had grabbed onto to Jake's arm. Luna was separated from Dennis and followed the boys not knowing where to go. Kris knew he couldn't lose them, so he grabbed Zane's arm and pulled him after the group.
"We are not getting caught by the cops again!" Milo shouted to a reluctant Jake who tried to get out of his brothers grasp.
"Just follow me guys!" Amber said hopping out a window.
* * *
The group had managed to escape the police and were now trying to run as fast as they could to a safe hiding place. The sight of the abandoned building came into view and Amber knew where to take them.
Once they made it to the front porch, Amber and Kris quickly pulled them in.
The group lied on the ground panting heavily at their run. After the rush had passed over, Luna and Zane began to have realizations.
"Oh my god! I left Max!"
"I left Sam and Dennis! Oh no They're gonna be so mad!"
"Mrs.Mendez is gonna kill me!"
"How could I have left my boyfriend to get arrested?'
"I have to go back!"
"I have to go back!"
Jake and Milo pulled the two back, "And get arrested too? Yeah. No. Look just stay here, I'm sure they made it out ok, but we can't go out there now. The cops are patrolling and will take in any teenager they see, especially ones they've come across yesterday." Milo said both reassuring and warning them.
The two struggled and whined but eventually gave in and stayed.
* * *
After a time of sitting around in silence, Amber broke the ice, "Hey guys, why don't we go on the roof? It's nice tonight." The other exchanged glances and agreed, the group making their way up the stairs to the roof.
Milo pulled out his guitar, "How about a song for the night?"
Milo strummed his guitar and began singing a little tune. As everyone listened to him sing. "Wow he's really good." Amber whispered to Kris.
A spark of envy struck within Kris. Why was he envious of Milo? He shook his head to clear his mind but he couldn't get it out of his head.
Zane shivered, "Hey Amber its a little chilly. Have any jackets or something?"
"I got blankets."
"That'll work."
The two climbed back inside and passed Luna.
Luna was pacing worriedly. She was clueless on the whereabouts of her brother and boyfriend.
Jake was sitting on the floor, his head facing the ground, ready to pull his hair out.
Her eyes shifted down and she noticed his discomfort. "What's the matter with you?"she asked walking towards him.
"It's nothing." He sighed looking out the window at his brother. He didn't want her to see him like this.
She noticed the look made at his brother. "That guy, he's your brother right?"
She asked sitting down next to him. She knew the answer to the question.
Jake nodded.
"I'm surprised you're not out there with him, you two are usually attached at the hip."
She could see the pain on his face. Yes she already had her opinion towards this boy made, it wasn't a good one, but she was partly genuinely curious and the other half wanted to distract herself.
"Did something happen?"
Jake sighed, he never opened up to people except to Milo but given this was about his brother he chose to even if that meant seaming stupid in front of the girl he liked.
"Well, at the party I was looking for him, I needed him, but when I found him he reeked of booze and cigarettes. This might sound lame but it hurt me to see him like that. Most kids in our situation go down that kind of path and never come back. I don't want to lose him, he's all I got."
In that moment, Luna felt sorry for him, yes she didn't have a brother of her own but Sam was the closest thing and she couldn't imagine losing him.
"What about you? Is everything okay?"
"I'm so worried about Sam and Dennis and I have know way to find out."
"It's okay. I'm sure it won't be as bad as you think." Though Jake was secretly hoping Dennis had received a boatload of trouble.
Luna rested her head on Jakes shoulder. She was too clouded with thoughts to even think about what she had just done.

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