5. I'm Back and Bad

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Okay, I'm gonna have a bit of a fit right now but I need to get it out, please bare with. IT FUCKING DELETED LIKE ALL OF THE BLOODY CHAPTER! FACKITY FUCK FUCK!!

yeah so..I had to re-do this but I hope you enjoy it! It may be a bit rubbish seeing as I now need to do Spanish, Maths and Biology homework and I've bascially spent the whole day on facebook, twitter, youtube and wattpad :L anyone got twitter? just wondering..because i only have 19 FOLLOWERS and my friends have like 600 -.- makes me look a bit sad and seeing as I have 100+ fans on wattpad just figured...yeah well just fishing :P


IL0veNerDs <3 xxx


Once in the changing rooms I threw my bag onto one of the benches and opened it up, pulling out the scruffy white trainers, navy polo shirt and striped navy shorts. Unfortunately as I joined the school late they sent over some of their spare p.e kit so the shirt was a bit small, riding up when I lifted my arms and making my boobs look bigger..and the shorts well they were weirdly made so the legs rode up in the middle basically I looked like a complete weirdo but at least everyone had to wear it and thank god I could wear my own trainers. I didn't really understand this school I mean you could basically wear whatever on a day to day basis, if something was inappropriate they did fuck all but when it got to p.e kit? you had to have a fucking uniform, it didn't and still doesn't make any sense what so ever. I pulled on my socks and started lacing up my trainers when a voice boomed,  

"cummon ladies, we don't have all day, what're you doing in there?" a male voice with a tinge of an english accent echoed around the changing rooms followed by a chuckle 

For some reason that voice sounded familiar but then again it wouldn't be too strange if it did seeing as I only left here like 3 years ago. I finished tying my laces and pulled my hair into a high ponytail then made my way over to the changing room doors where Izzy and Sienna were waiting for me. 

"right then let's get this over with" I laughed  

We walked into the gym to the guys who were in the far corner of the gym and started chatting to them for a few minutes while the teacher went to get his stuff.  

"what do you reckon we're doing then?" I asked the group, glancing around the large room which wasn't here when I last went here. The gym wasn't anything special, it was about the size of half a football pitch, which is pretty big, with cream walls which were just bricks painted and a wooden floor which had been varnished. Mats lined the walls in two piles, there must have been around 20 of them as they were pretty big, they were around an inch thick with a layer of carpet like stuff on top creating a bouncy, soft yet workable space to practice gymnastics or fighting on. Against the wall was also various equipment including benches, trampolines and those big pull out things which included ropes and ladders etc. 

"I'm not really sure, Mr G does whatever he really feels like but seeing as it's sunny I reckon we'll be outside" Shane replied 

"you know what I hope we do though?" asked Chase 

"the obstacle course?" the others replied rolling their eyes at him.  

"obstacle course?" I questioned I didn't remember there being an obstacle course when I was here 

"yeah" izzy replied, "they must have built it just after you left, it's pretty awesome with mud puddles and...well you'll see for yourself soon enough" 

"okay then" I replied, I really enjoyed obstacle courses, when I was in England we had one but of course my friends and I always played dirty. 

"Right guys!" the teacher, mr grey? I think it was, shouted "today we're going to do a nice obstacle course!" A few groans were heard from the cheerleaders and other girls but the guys seemed to be up to the challenge. I still hadn't got a good look at the teacher yet seeing as the other students heads were blocking my way however what I could see was the tip of his head, a full head of blonde tousled hair.  

I'm Back, and BadWhere stories live. Discover now