Chapter 5

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A/N: Hey guys!! I'm back, and as promised, here's an update for you guys!! I made it extra long for you guys because you deserve it!!! I hope you'll like it!! ENJOY!

Here's a sex pic of Alpha George to feed all your wildest imagination!! :) 


Raf's POV

The  week went by so quickly, and to my utter surprise, it's finally my birthday. I think the week passed by in a blur that I don't even remember the things that happened leading up to this very day. You can say that I'm excited because it's finally my time to shift and meet my wolf. I'm very excited to see what the color of my coat would be. Will I have the same coloring as my dad, or will it be different? Anyway, I know that my wolf will be beautiful. 

That's not all. It's finally the right time to meet my mate. I can feel that he/she is close and the chances that I'll meet him/her tonight is very high. I can't wait.

Well, after the dinner last Friday, like the typical dad that he is, we're busy all day. Sometimes I wonder if he's getting any sleep. Especially this week, he's been staying at the pack house more often than our own house. Sometimes I wonder if he remembers that my birthday is today. I'll be shifting when the moon is high and since, he's the Alpha, he'll be the one to help me in shifting to my wolf because the first shift is always that most dangerous part of being a wolf. 

I've seen wolves die in the process of shifting for the very first time. There was one incident that I remembered, three years ago. A young man named, Jonah shifts for the very first time.  While on the process of shifting, he cried so loud that, it's very deafening. It's normal to cry out loud during shifting, but Jonah's cry was very loud and the sound of excruciating pain can be felt. It's later that we found out that he's wolf died at the middle of the cycle. We're very lucky that he's still alive, but the price that he has to pay is very pitiful. He lost his wolf, and he can no longer walk. It's very devastating to his family, but we can't do anything about it. It's the will of the Moon Goddess.

He's still on the pack, but a lot has change in him. He was very care free and cheerful back then, but now, he secludes himself to his books and avoid people as much as possible. It's pitiful, but the pack understands that it's very difficult for him. Sometimes, I see him watching wolves shift and the look of longing is very evident. I'm just praying to the Moon Goddess that he'll bless him with a strong mate.

Waking up this morning, I didn't find any note or text coming form my dad or uncle wishing me a Happy Birthday. They really forgot??? I can't believe it. The only people that knows my birthday forgets it. I'm really hurt because of that. I think that, what he said last Friday must have slipped his mind.  It's just a front to cover that he's planning my birthday, but the reality is that he really forgets it. 

I'm sitting alone at home because my dad, along with my uncle Rick is busy at the pack house. I don't know what's making them busy, but I don't care. I'll just have to endure the fact that they're trying to distance themselves to me. It hurts, but nothing I can do. It's their choice. I'll just hope the when I shift later, they will be there to help me shift.

After doing nothing, just staring at the wall for two hours, I decided to go out because I'm dying in there without any company. I texted my dad the I'll be going out to get some coffee. He replied 'OK' and ask me to go straight to the pack house later. Well so much for acknowledging me and my birthday today. Great dad, really. Please not my sarcasm.

I decided to go to the mall and get some Starbucks. It's been a while since I had coffee in my system. 
Since, I'm there already, I bought a pair of black skinny jeans, a denim shirt and a pair of black boots. I'm not a fashion expert or what and I don't really care about what I wear as long as it's comfortable. 

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