Chapter 21

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The ride to the restaurant took longer than I remembered, maybe because it has been four years. I look out of the window and see the restaurant, a smile crept up on my face without my knowledge as I paid the driver and got out. The view was beautiful, the smell was great as well; just as I remembered.

I looked at my watch and saw that I was ten minutes early. Why am I even early, Wonwoo oppa should be the one that's early, not me. I growled at myself internally.

Plugging in my earphones, I played some songs to pass time and it worked magically. Ten minutes passed fast and I put my earphones back so that I could pay attention to the surrounding, in case he reaches.

Minutes passed and I walked inside the restaurant to visit the washroom. I needed the mirror as I could feel the make up falling off from the sweat from my face. I powdered it back and re applied my eyeliner. I looked at my watch again, fifteen minutes passed but the smile was still on my face.

"Maybe he's in traffic. I'll call him when he is half an hour late"
I assured myself that he would appear soon but that half an hour came too fast and I set another time limit to wait. I sipped the cup of water and stared at the customers, looking at the delicious meal that they were savoring as I wondered when my date would arrive.

"Miss, are you ready to order? The kitchen will close in an hour" the waiter asked and I looked at my watch one last time, two hours passed yet I'm still willing to wait for another hour for him. My ex. Probably the most stupid thing I did in my life. I bit my lips as I felt sweat cover me once again.

The fever kicked it but I withstand the pain for a little longer. The sky was dark, the stars shone brightly; everything around me was happy. Except me.

Vibration felt from my bag and my eyes widened, "it must be oppa" I tried to force a smile as I pulled the device. The smile fell when I saw a number other than his.

"Hello" I answered it

"Yah, where are you? You're not at home? We're waiting for you" It was Seungcheol and I immediately remembered that Soonyoung told me about the meet up tonight.

"I'm sorry oppa. I'm waiting for Won--" I paused.

"Who?" he asked.

"Jin-ah... when are you coming back?" Mingyu whined from behind and I realized it's on speaker.

"I'll.... " I stuttered a bit as I thought of something  I needed to do.

"Please don't wait for me" I hung up and stared into space.

I got up and turned on my heels to leave, after wasting three hours, getting my hopes high. I looked up and saw the empty dining room surrounding me. My heart dropped as the lights went off and I quickened my pace as I head out of the restaurant before the tears rolled down my cheek.

Laughter took over my lips. Why am I laughing? I have never felt so stupid, trusting someone who broke my heart years ago. Why did I even think it's possible to be back with him? He has someone better, why didn't I think of that?

Selfishness took over me, I wanted him back.

Now I don't.

Walking pass the bridge, I paused and pulled out my phone. I opened the gallery and smirked at the selfies that I took before heading out of the house. I selected them and took a last look before deleting them all, just like how I deleted the photos from before.

I didn't know where to go so I just let my feet lead me. Anywhere was fine to me, anywhere was fine for now.

The weather became colder by the night, as I wrapped my arms around myself once more to keep warm. The night was silent. It was just 10pm. I stopped in the middle of the bridge and stared into the waters.

My phone rang again but I just ignored it, my vision blurred and I gave out a long sigh. I didn't want to return to them yet, he must be with them. I don't want to see his face anymore but does it even matter?

I shook my heart and blinked the tear away. I turned to my left and made my way again back home slowly. Tears continuously flowed down my cheeks just like yesterday. My chest ached and I hated the feeling.

"I hate you Kim Jinhee" I whispered to myself.

"Don't hate yourself" I heard his voice and I froze. Tears flowed faster and I turned around to see him staring at me worriedly. 

My heart raced as I stared at him with a frown. Why did you come.

I ran and wrapped my arms around him. He stood still and I felt his arms around me, I hugged him tighter.
He loosened his hold and took a small step from me to examine my face. His eyes were tired, probably from driving as I looked behind him and saw car.

"Why are you here alone? Who were you waiting for?" He asked but I just stared at the ground, trying to my tears longer as I thought of the reason to why I waited three hours for him only to be played on.

"I was waiting for Eunji. We had dinner already, she just left and..." air replaced my voice as I continued to lie only taking a pause as I didn't know what else to say.

"Jin" his voice was soft as he lifted my chin with his fingers to look at him.

"Please don't cry anymore. I hate the fact that you have been crying everyday just because of Wonwoo" his voice broke and I noticed tears in his eyes.

"Mingyu ah" I called out to him and he blinked away the tears.

"I'm sorry" I apologised and he wrapped his arms around my waist again. "Don't say that" he whispered in my eyes and I shook my head in his chest. Why am I so weak?

"Let's get some cheesecake" he replaced his frown with a small smile and pulled me to his car.

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