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It is I, Luckythorn, and I am bored, as usual, so I'm gonna tell you a story.

Once upon a time there was a guy and a girl.

they fell in love.

the guy died.

the end.

I wonder how many fandoms this relates to.....


you've probably all heard the' when life gives you lemons make lemonade' bit right?

Well, here are some weird versions of that:

When life gives you lemons, make grape juice and laugh while the world is amazed.

When life gives you lemons, you read them...

Whn life gives you lemons, get mad and make life take them back.

when life gives you lemons, throw them at someone.

when life gives you lemons, cut them in half and squirt him in the eye.

when life gives you lemons you squirt them in people's eyes and make their lives miserable.

when life gives you lemons, chuck em back and demand chocolate.

is it weird that almost all of these relate to me?


- Jan 25 2016

Ps this isn't a diary - I'm not that girly.

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