Harry Potter, Fem! Canada and Ecc

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Hai guys! Im back from emerald city comicon!!!!!!

It was so much fun, and it was my first time!Okay, so the beginning, my friend tells me blah blah extra child's ticket blah nlah. I, of course jump at the chance. So, in one day, I prepare a ( very crappy ) Fem! canada cosplay. I didn't need a wig, since my hair is pretty much the same color, and I already had a white bear.

So, now for the hilights of the con:

1) Two people noticed me, and recognized my cosplay!!!!!!! 0/////0 Canada was noticed!!!!!!!

2) The James and Oliver Phelps panel. ( the actors of the weasly brothers) They were soooo cool and really funny. The only sad question anyone asked was about their memories with alan rickman * sobs hysterically*. It was really sweet, and they were cool.

3) Running away from god tier Jade HopelessSakura and the homestucks screaming "RUN LIKE THE WIND!" And " RUUUN!" I also found out that homestucks are actually really nice and friendly. I dont really know why I like that moment, it just juts out for me and it was memorable. I also think someone yelled " RUN CANADA!" so that was cool. It might have been equius..... I dont know. That or it was my friend Mikala.

Anyhow, I had a fantastic day.

Have a fabulous day/ night. I dont know timezones.


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