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I am here. And bored. very bored. I also have cake batter in my hair.

Yes you did read that sentence right, I have cake batter in my hair. I was making cupcakes! Even though I'm terrible at baking! So yeah. I am a horrible cook. Oddly enough, I am accident prone enough, so that in the kitchen, I will burn myself on everything..... Or wind up getting trapped in the pantry....

I am going to do a bunch of birthcay scenarios and see how I do!

1) Flying mint bunny served me tea right before a unicorn kidnapped me.

Cool! Is the unicorn able to leave a trail of glitter? Is that what is at the end of the rain bow?

2) You are mortal enemies with Rory.

Noooooo! But rory is one of my favorite characters!!!!!! * dies *

3) have a death match with link.

HECK YAAA! But if anyone calls him zelda, I will admit defeat , as not to wound his pride anymore...

4)- I was pushed into a pond by norway because that's how life works.

I'm not going down without a fight * falls in with denmark* * norway jumps in * HA!

5) -Darth vader teaches you to breakdance and then he dies.


6) I look like a mutant cockroach.

I dare y'all to say that to someone on the street XD

7) Armin used me as a sheild and did the hamster dance.

I would love to see that xD that would be amazing.

But, anyhow , I have to go take my brother to the bus stop. -_-


I am bored. Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin