I dont even know

12 1 5

Oh my gosh. I think im having an mental crisis. I was watching a Markiplier video one of the 'will you press the button' (cuz I was bored) and one of the questions was: you can read the minds of the people of the opposite gender, but everyone the same gender as you can hear your thoughts.

I just realized something:

- I would have no friends.
- People would probably think I was a psychopath and depressed.
- People my age would probably be scared of me.
- People would see the real me, and not just the happy smile I put on for the audience.
- I would be straight up in a mental institute.
- But, people would recognize me for my intellect.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, I will probably just go and sit in a corner; pondering my existential crisis.
have a good day/night.


I am bored. Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz