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"Where is she?" I heard a voice that I've been waiting to hear for a while. "You can not disturb her sir. If you do she may get sick again. She can not be disturbed." I couldn't just lay here I needed to see Duncan.

I slowly stood up using the bed for support and walked over to the door. I noticed that my stomach had started to slightly grow and I wasn't stick and bones any more.

I opened the door and saw Duncan's back, his hands through his hair. "Duncan?" I groaned as pain shot through me and would have collapsed to the floor if Duncan didn't catch me.

"Baby I'm here. Your ok I promise. I won't leave your side." He picked me up and laid me back on the bed. "You can't be getting up anymore or you'll hurt the baby." The doctor told me.

"The baby?" Duncan looked at the doctor then at me. "I'm pregnant Duncan." I smiled and he just hugged me, "are you sure your ready?" I laughed. "Well I don't have a choice now do I?"

I found out I was passed out only for a few days and that I have to be on bed rest unless I want to have a still birth.

"Why am I so far along doctor?" I didn't understand, the average length for a pregnancy is 40 weeks. "Well werewolves pregnancy is an average of 24 weeks but yours seems to be farther along. When was the last time you had sex?"

I blushed at the blunt question, "about six weeks ago." He looked at me with a curious look, "it seems like your having a normal pregnancy term for dogs."

"A dog? I'm not a dog." I felt a pain in my stomach which made me flinch a little. "Please calm down or you'll go into labor now." None of this makes sense. I felt a pain again but it was worse this time, "I think I might have already started."

I felt another pain and Duncan was freaking out. "Sh*t, what do I do doctor?" The doctor was barking orders to some of the nurses, "we have to try to stop her labor."

The pain started to get worst and more often, "there's no waiting or postponing labor." I had another large pain and I screamed not able to hold back any more.

"Lilly, your next contraction your going to have to push." Duncan held my hand as another pain occurred. I did as the doctor said and pushed while I screamed in pain. Duncan kissed my mark trying to make the pain less.

I pushed a few more times and saw the doctor take off with something in his arms. I had tears running down my cheeks and one of the nurses came in to help me pass the placenta.

All I wanted was to hold my baby, to know that my baby was ok. After a while I finally fell asleep against my better judgement. I only slept for a few hours when the pack doctor came back in the room.

I felt Duncan's hand tighten around mine. No. "Alpha, Luna, I'm very sorry. We could not save her." I screamed at the top of my lungs. This happened to mom and now it's happened to me! Lilly calm down. Its ok.

I stood up a little wobbly and said, "let me see my baby." Duncan stood up and tried to make me sit down. "Lilly please," "No!" I pushed him away from me and the doctor left quickly.

Why can't anything good happen to me? I punched the wall putting a hole in it. The doctor walked in with a small, lifeless, child in his arms.

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