Chapter 1

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"Mrs. McKee..."Mrs. Maryland bored on said. I should probably introduce myself. I'm April Kidd. I'm a freshman at Shelley County High school.

"Mrs. Kidd!" yelled Mrs. Maryland. I bolted my head right up off the desk. "I promise that won't happen again. I didn't sleep until 12am mama." She muttered something about that why you don't stay up texting.

The bell sounded. The class began file out of the class room.

"April. Why do you never listen in class began."said Marysue. "I never found it interesting. You know why. I'm one of the smartest kids in our class. And I can't take the advance courses because I have already obsessed them with flying colors."

"Look April."as she pointed too a poster hung outside the class room. It said

Masquerade Ball
September 20
During school
Blocks 5-7
Girls mandatory to wear masks. Guys may chose so or not.

I read outloud. "This might be your chance April to tell him you like him."

The him she was talkin about was talking Bryce Smith. He was one of the most popular kids in school.

I practically knew him. Me an him grew up together in the same neighborhood. But there is lonely one problem. He was in a relationship with Dela Monroe.

"Hi April."said a voice behind me.

Hi guys hope you like my book. I will start writing the next chapter today. An have .ir publish in about two weeks.

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