Chapter 8

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She came in with a sweetheart pink dress. I gasped. She handed mettle dress an ushered me into the dressing room.

I put it on an walked out of the room. An as I stepped out Mary sue gasped. " It's the perfect dress for you. An it fits your curves very well." She pulled me into the hug.

I went to take it off. An when I got to the counter to pay door it the assistant looked at me an sailboat it's on the house. I grinned an thanked her. She put it in a bag so no one could see it.

We both walked out of the store with our shoes an dresses. Mary sue hopped in started he engine.

We got back to school ten minutes to spare.

I get to class an find out we're going to be partner up by our grades. Where I was one of the smartest kids there you expect me to do it by myself.

The teacher gave us a piece of paper with our partners name on it. An guessed who I got.

Bryce Smith. All I no is that I'm going to die inside if I sit by him. I slowly gather my stuff an headed over to were he was sitting.


Sorry its taken to long to get this chapter posted. its just that my family has been going threw a tuff time right now. I also have been writing other stories. None of them has been published yet. I will tell you all when I have them up an ready to read.

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