Chapter 2

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I look back an saw Bryce. "Hey Bryce. How you doin." "I'm doing fine, I see that your looking at the poster. An who is this guy you like?"

"Yes, an that is none of your concern,Bryce." I said cooly. Hr just snickered an walked away saying,"What ever April. I'll find out sooner or later."

With that he was gone the love of my life. I started to walk in o my last class of the day, where Lucifer was about to start teaching. This class was political science.

As I walk in an take a seat. The bell rings an Lucifer walks end an starts talking ng about out final. I plug in my headphones an lean my head back an drift off into wonderland.

Where I dreamt of the masquerade ball coming up this Thursday and Friday.
Hope you all liked my second chapter. So please vote and commit on it.

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