Chapter 6

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I woke up to Talyor Swift singing Fifteen.

I looked at m phone to see it was 6:30. I have thirty minutes to get dressed. I got out of bed and went to my closet.

I found a pair of light blue jeans. An my chemical romance t-shirt. I went down stairs to see my sister an mother eating breakfast. I grabbed a bowl and the milk. An grabbed a box of cocco diamonds. An made me a bowl of cereal.

My mother looked up at me an smiled. She got up  My sister however assailed me with words.

" What the fuck. I told you the other day that she was coming over so don't come yelling at me when you get home. An had a bad day."

Wow, she seemed pissed off. "I know that, but I told you to not make out with her in the middle ofbthe living room." I said calmly. She looks at me apology in her eyes. An gave me a hug an left.

I shooked my head. Got up an went to my car. I look in the window to see another note. I decided to not look at it until I get to school to show Mary Sue.

I get to school with Mary waiting for me to get there. She walks up to me an to notices my mode.

Right when I step out she starts bomboring me with questions." What is the matter. " she said.

Gave her the note from thus morning an she read aloud. It said, "

Dear my loving angel,

I woke up this morning hearing your voice in my dream. I looked at my scratch pad to see the picture I drew of you at the art class at our school. That class we shared in middle school. I knew I liked you very much. I hope you like me too.

So please met me in the middle ofbthe dance floor this Thursday an Friday at the masquerade dance.

Love the one who drew you."

She looked at me an screamed. Apparently she knew who it was. See she can remember everything. But she can't remember to study for a test.

"Who is the lucky boy that is doing this. He must really like you if he left you two notes." She went on an on about until I covered her mouth." I dont know who it's is. But I don't have an excuse not to go now."

I slowly uncover her mouth. She did nothing but smiled. Then she gasped. "We still have to get our dresses. We'll go this afternoon during lunch." She said. She grabbed my hand an told me that she was invited to the dance by Alec Lightwood.

We got to class just a minute to spare. I already knew this was going to be a spectacular dance for both of us.

I hoped you all like my story so far. So please comment an vote.

A Dream Come TrueTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon