Chapter 4

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He tossed his backpack on the table, "Thanks for meeting me" he sat opposite her in the booth pushing the menu aside, "I'm not hungry, I just need to talk to someone"

She smiled "are you okay?"

He leaned back in the seat, "I'm not sure"

Tara reached across the table grabbing his hand, "Adam?"

He sighed, "It's gonna sound crazy, but what if my dad isn't my dad?" Saying the words out loud for the first time and he felt ill. None of this made any sense but it was hard to ignore.

Tara arched her eyebrow, "Of course your dad is your dad Adam, don't be stupid"

"I look nothing like him" Adam told her, "plus everyone in my family has brown eyes, but me"

Tara released her hold on his hand, pulling her cellphone out, "That doesn't mean anything" she quickly pulled up Google and did a search turning the phone for him to see, "Look, brown eyed people can have a baby with blue eyes, I think you're being silly Adam"

He pounded his hand on the table, "Damn it! I'm not. Something isn't right, I don't know to explain it. It just feels different" he huffed, "just forget it"

She instantly felt bad, "I'm sorry, Adam. Maybe you should talk to your mom and dad, see what they say"

He waved her off, "I can't do that, my dad'll flip"


Adam groaned, "what do I say? Just forget it...please?"

"Thanks for taking her" Adam shook Hermann's hand, "you're a fucking Saint, you know that?"

Hermann laughed, "She's my only girl, I'd do anything for her" he smiled.

Adam smirked, "Dani's my only girl and I'd do anything for her...but sit through a Justin Fucking Bieber concert" he flipped through his wallet handing three twenties to him.

"Get the fuck out man, I don't want your money"

"Take it" Adam shoved it at him, "it's the least I could do, buy the girls shirts or something"

Hermann relented, "You got it"

"Hey Dani?" Adam called her over kneeling so he was eye level with her, "be good and listen to Christopher, got it?"

She rolled her eyes, "Yes Dad"

He kissed her cheek, "I love you"

"I love you too Daddy" she smiled before rejoining Annabelle inside the minivan.

"This one!" Aidan yelled pulling the board game from the playroom, "I wanna play this one"

Kim smiled, "Alright set it up. Daddy and Adam should be home any minute" the front door shutting.

Aidan racing to the door, "Oh balls, it's just Adam" he grumbled, climbing back up to the table.

"Nice to see you too, Squirt" Adam groaned, "hey Ma"

Kim grabbed his hand as he walked by, she could hear Adam come in the front door, We're about to play a game, play with us"

Adam shook his head, "I don't think so"

"Hey fellas" Adam greeted his sons, leaning down to kiss Kim's cheek, "Hermann said he'd bring Dani home in the morning"

Family Ties sequel to Divine InterventionWhere stories live. Discover now