Chapter 8

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He closed the claw around the styrofoam cup and placed it in the large bag to his right, community service sucked ass. He'd been sentenced to one hundred eighty hours, and he hated every minute of it.

For all his 'father's' bitching that he wouldn't 'skate' on this it felt as if he did, it was a mere slap on the wrist. He had to pay restitution to the store owner he stole the three hundred dollars from and had to go to counseling too.

Counseling was a waste of time, he spent the entire hour quiet as a mouse never saying a word.

They'd even brought in his Uncle Josh and he gave him the silent treatment as well, no one knew why he was behaving the way he was.

It was just the way he wanted it.

"Wow that's wild" Adam admitted as he glared at the screen, the 4d image of their infant on the screen, he swore the kid was sucking his thumb, "Doc, is he sucking his thumb?"

The doctor smiled, "Looks like it. He's measuring well, I'd say you'll have one just under eight pounds" he moved the wand around, "he looks perfect and healthy" he pressed a few buttons and pulled the pictures from the printer, "here's a few photos and the video will be at the front desk"

"Thank you" Kim smiled as she studied her son's face looking up at Adam, the tears in his eyes warmed her heart.

"Let's go upstairs and see if Dr.Miller is here" she told Adam as they exited the office, she couldn't shake that something major was going on with the teenage son. In true teenager fashion, he told them he was fine.

The arrest report proved otherwise, she was thankful to Bob who had gone against her husband's wishes and had the charges against Adam lessened.  Adam wasn't pleased with either one of them initially but it didn't take long for him to appreciate what his father had done.

She understood Adam's intentions, she didn't want her son to think he was able of get away with things because his parents happened to be cops.

"You still worried?" Adam draped his arm over her shoulder, "I don't know how to get through to him, but maybe he really is okay." He had a rebellious streak of his own when he was his son's age. "Maybe it's just a phase or something" he offered.

"I hope so, but my gut says its more" they approached the nurses desk, Little Adam's favorite nurse Sam working at the computer. Kim loved Sam, she was always the highlight of little Adam's stays at the hospital, Kim swore she was an angel sent from above.

"Kim! Adam!" She smiled coming out from behind the desk hugging them both, "How are you?" It had been ages since she had seen them, "very pregnant, I see" she teased, "when are you due?"

"Just a few more weeks, but the doctor says I could go any day now" on one hand she hoped she did, it was pretty cramped in her stomach, she was certain Gavin was sitting directly on her bladder. She spent most of her time in the bathroom, "Is Dr.Miller around?"

She was eternally grateful for the man who had saved her son's life and he would always hold a special place in their hearts and lives. They'd decided to keep his relationship to Adam under wraps, which was fine with Dr.Miller. He kept tabs on his nephew from afar, knowing it was best to not destroy the young boy's world.

"No, I'm sorry he's in surgery" she told them scanning a file, "How's Adam doing? The kids miss him"

Adam and Kim looked at each other, "What do you mean?" Adam asked, feeling as if he was about to have the rug pulled out from underneath him.

Sam eyed them, "Is everything okay? You both look awful"

"Adam hasn't been coming? How long?" Kim asked grabbing ahold of the counter to support herself.

Sam shrugged, "He hasn't been here in...about six months or so. Just stopped showing up, we all just assumed he was busy with school and hockey"

Adam shook his head, "We had no idea" he hung his head, "the last time you saw him, how did he seem?" He could feel himself shifting into 'detective' mode. He'd been a detective for a few years now after finally agreeing to take the test, now he was starting to wonder if he was a shit detective. Missing all the warning signs he's son may have shown before getting mixed up in whatever it was that he was dealing with.

If only he had paid attention.

"Is he okay?" Serious concern on her face, she tried to think back, "the last time I saw him he was with Tara, he seemed okay"

Kim nodded, "Thank you" she was bordering on terrified.

Sam smiled at them, "I'm sure Adam's okay. You know how teenagers can be"

Adam put the tools on the shelf and pulled the door closed locking it behind him. He hated this shit, he hated everything.

He needed a fix and had barely any cash, it was as if everything was on lockdown. His 'father' caught a clue and quit carrying cash around and it seemed anything of value was kept under lock and key.

Cannon had given him some money a few weeks ago, but he had since gone back to LA.

He hopped on his bike, he knew any hopes of getting a car had been destroyed the night he was arrested.

He had twenty dollars to his name, enough for one pill.

The exchange was quick and he felt relief wash over him as soon at the pill hit his tongue, the high was almost immediate.

He had to wonder how much of it was just in his head.

His eyelids fluttered close and he could feel himself relax.

"Adam?" Tara spoke, having watched the deal go down, "are you high?"

"Almost" Adam grinned, "just give it another minute" he laughed as he felt his worries slip from his soul. The drug was like a deep cleanse freeing him of everything.

"You didn't talk to your parents. You're not okay!" She wanted to slap him, this wasn't the Adam she knew, the one she cared so deeply about.

"It's fine. They don't care, they got a new one coming" he explained.

"What?" She was confused, it was obvious the drugs had gained control of his body, his words beginning to slur.

"Baby. 'Nother one on the way. Boy" his head lolled to the side, his eyes just mere slits as he succumbed to the effects of the pill.

She wouldn't allow him to do this, "You need help Adam" she knew what she had to

Family Ties sequel to Divine InterventionWhere stories live. Discover now