Chapter 9: Ya Right

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"You girls we have some exciting news." Sasha exclaimed as she put down her fork.

"Sasha no." My dad answered almost immediately like he was hiding some secret.

"Mitch its good news we all could use some good news." She replied looking at him like he didn't have a choice.

"Fine I'm sure it was bound to come out sooner or later." He sighed rubbing his eyes.

"Nows there going to be some change from now in about 9 months." She hinted smiling.

"Mom what do you mean some change?" Macy asked not wanting to know the answer.

"I'm Pregnant!" Sasha exclaimed clapping like a child.

"What?!" Macy yelled.

When Sasha said this I couldn't keep the water in my mouth to go down instead I squirted the water out of my mouth lime one of those crazy people in movies.

"Ewww!" Macy yelled even louder as the water came out. Before anything else happened she ran from the room Sasha running after her.

"Dad?" I choked coughing after Macy and Sasha left.

"We just found out last week Believe me I acted worse then you did." He leaned back not saying anything about the accident I made.

"Dad I thought you said you didn't want any more kids after me, as a matter of fact you said that if you heard you were going to have another kid you would.." I said worked up to be stopped by my dad.

"I know what I said Alli but what am I supposed to do tell her to terminate the pregnancy it would crush her, now I know your grounded but I think you should get out of the house tonight It's not going to be a pleasant night here." He sighed getting up leaving the table with me down folded.

Noting that it was no use me stating my opinion I stood up only to stop when A fire started in my stomach.

"Ahh." I whispered in pain.

My throat and body felt like they were going to explode. Knowing what was happening grabbed my keys out of my jacket I hadn't taken off since I came home. Whoever When I got home I changed my clothes changing into a pair of black leather pants and black tank top with matching black leather pump boots. Right after my dad questioned where I was believe me I didn't tell him the truth only saying that I had road my bike around the huge backyard and gravel road. In truth I know he didn't believe me but didn't question me anyways back to the story. I ran out of the house not even trying to be quiet in the process my bike didn't look normal it was the monster it had been last night. "Please God if you will listen to me don't let me turn until I get out of town." Hoping on my bike I pushed the button on the garage opening the door. My bike had a mind of its own because it speed faster and faster down the winding road not stopping until we reached a warehouse in the entrance throwing me off my bike and onto the cold cement. My body finally released its demoney self. Now I really don't remember much about what happens when I'm the rider I even sometimes don't remember where I am. Sometimes I don't think I control my actions. All I remember or rather what I heard was these demons calling me "little rider" I remember seeing a rope on the ground and pulling it up I pushed or rather pulled on the rope turning it into a flaming long weapon. When the demons started screaming and going around me in fast circles I threw the rope in a lasso form when one of the demons pulled on it making me hit the wall knocking the riders flames out prematurely and making them only to recomebust in bigger flames.

"Common boys this little brat stands no chance against us, Blackheart needs her alive for now."

"Stained." The rider replied as she pulled herself and the rope up in one big step throwing the rope in a lasue form catching one of the demons unexpectedly.

When the other head guy saw this happening he hissed and the others disappeared leaving me to deal the demon I caught his death.

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