Chapter 13: Heart Of Fire

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I don't know if it was me or the rider talking but all of a sudden I really wanted to tear Marcy into little prices and burn them. Disgusting I know right. The streets of the city I knew would be filled with people and probably most of them had some kind of bad dark secret they didn't want the rider to know so I decided on staying on the edges of town where no one would wander on that beaten path. Most of you are probably thinking oh her best friend well her only friend turned out to be a complete freak and wacko and she isn't even upset well you know what Carter said I have no soul so haw. The bitch Marcy you know why did it have to be someone who knew my secret that had to live under the same roof as me Gees I can already see the look on my dad's face at dinner if I said "Oh hey dad just to let you know I'm a Ghost Rider... What is a Ghost Rider you ask? Well it's the devils bounty hunter and Hey Sasha you know your vindictive evil slim daughter Marcy? Well she knows my secret and will probably tell the entire world about me I have to burn her soul which will leave her completely incapable of conversation ever again. But anyways could one of you guys pass the salt?" I had a feeling it wouldn't go over very far, and plus would get me locked up in the looney bin for my entire natural life. So I just had to hope and ironically pray I could get to her first I don't know maybe threaten her or I don't know talk some sense to her.

My dads house was defining darkness not even one light lay lit in the mansion. The front door also lay unlocked which was very unusual.

"Marcy?" I called as I entered the house trying to turn on a light but apparently the power was out.

I tried looking everywhere in the downstairs area of the house but no one was there or they were ignoring me, but before I did anything else a cold breath came out of my mouth.

"Quite the mess you've made Allison." The dark stranger told me making me whip around in a fast circles.

"Let me guess your getting impatient and you had to come see one of your favorite bounty hunters, or let me guess your here to tell me times running out and I have to get your son and kill him before midnight right." I joked pissed at this entire world. The old guy apparently found my little speech funny because he let out a horse laugh.

"I see you've been doing some research tell me how did you find out Blackheart was my son?" The old guy asked with genuine curiosity.

For some reason I felt compelled to say don't you know curiosity killed the cat but bit my tounge.

"I have my ways plus my grandfather did take him down so.."

"I've waited long enough for you to go after my son, And lime you said time is running out its almost tome for Blackheart to make the sacrifice." He retorted looking over at the pictures marking the walls.

"Sacrifice?" I muttered confused.

"I see the books didn't tell you everything remember times running out Allison." And with that a cloud of black smoke surrounded the guy making him disappear.

And then a huge "Thud!" made me run back into the kitchen but for me only to see a broken bowl that had fallen off the counter.

As I was going to leave I felt my head get a huge wave of pain which was paralyzing me to the bone, for some reason a horse voice went into my head whispering "Turn" which on instinct I did as it told me to making me turn and catch a knife that would have been lodged into my back. As I caught the knife my hand light up and turned to bone with huge flames the rest of my body stayed the same.

"You killed her didn't you?" Marcy asked me as she tried even harder to get the knife past my arm and into my body.

"I did what I have to." My answer stund both myself and Marcy.

"She told you everything and you still killed her your the monster and I can't wait to tell mom about you she said you were trouble but your father got the brain wave that I would help turn you straight. You of all people." She retorted angry.

Before she could see I through the knife with a thunderous clap against the ground pushing Marcy a little ways away from me.

"Go ahead." She laughted. "The cops will be here any minute, and I told them everything."

She must of noticed the shocked, look on my face when she said everything because she sighed.

"Not everything about your whatever it is you turn into, but how you killed Marnie and how you killed her brother and probably all of those other people who have died since you came here ."

"What did I ever do to you?" I asked thinking about how much my life was possibly over.

"What did you do, you should ask what you didn't do. You made my life a living hell ever since Pre-K, but not know now it's your turn to suffer."

The house was now eliminated by the lights of police cruisers who now surrounded the house.

Knowing I had to get out of there I made my last remark short and sweet.

"Your no better then I was." I ran as fast as I could out of the house running towards Grace, as swung my leg over the seat, before I sat down I turned into my Rider self going towards the place that would hold answers and sanctuary.

"Carter!" I yelled in an angry gruff voice as I ran down the long lines of pews and crosses which made me very uncomfortable.

"What's wrong you break a nail?" He retorted as I charged into the back room.

My next movement must of surprised Carter because he didn't move out of my way as I through him against the wall pressing my arm against the base of his throat with a strength I never knew I had.

"I had an interesting visitor." I told him referring to Mistopholes. "He told me About Blackheart and some sacrifice he was running out of time to do, have any ideas what sacrifice?"

Carter tried answering but my arm was in the ways so I loosened my grip just a little .

"I don't know what your talking about." He lyied terrible almost out of breath.

"Don't lye to me!" I yelled way to loud.

"You Blackheart needs you." He answered like it took a lot out of him.

Me why me I thought letting Carter go which made him false, against a table that lay near us.

"Blackheart escaped from hell the night you were born." He explained "You weren't supposed to find out, not this way, but you decided to try and live normal that's one of the biggest mistakes a rider can make."

"What's the biggest?" I asked though I was still shocked by the answer.

"Making a family."

I know my next question was one I didn't want to know but I asked it anyways.

"What's the sacrifice?"

Carter looked at me funny but sighed rubbing his aged temples.

"On Midnight of the day Blackheart was sent to Hell the born rider born on the night he rose will be sacrificed in San Vaganza and a dagger struck in her heart will mark death and the growing strength of the prince of Hell, and when the riders blood stops flowing the Demon Blackheart will be at his most strength no one has ever seen." Carter finally stood straight as he finished moving past me.

And after that I got the worst text ever.

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