Chapter 27: Welcome Home

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Lucy's P.O.V.

-In front of the guild-

"Um Natsu, why don't you wait here and let me warn them the best I can, I still can't believe your alive." I say.

He gives me a toothy and rubs the back of his head, "Alright." He says. He then drops his arm and replaces his smile with a smirk and starts to stare at me.

I begin to blush "N-Natsu?" I stutter. He leans down and whispers in my ear, "Hurry back." He then kisses my cheek. I blush as red as Erza's hair and slowly nod. He chuckles and then grab my shoulders and turns me around.

I take a deep breath and open the doors to the guild having them close behind me with Natsu still outside.

"Hey guys I need your attention for a minute!" I yell.

"What's up Lu-, hey have you been crying?" Gray asks noticing my eyes are a little red.

"Did you make her cry Gray!" Erza screams from across the room.

"Gray what did you do!" Romeo says.

"Shut up fire freak!" Gray retorts.

"Wanna go ice maniac!" Romeo says back.

"A real man solves his problems with his fists!" Elfman says.

"Gray your clothes." Mirajane says.

"When did that happen!" Gray says.

Soon the whole guild is arguing back and forth making a scene, I just sweat drop.

I didn't realize this but Natsu could hear the fighting from outside and decided to walk in the guild.

"Would all of you just shut up for one minute!" Natsu screams.

"Shut up flame br-" Gray completely stops what he is doing and freezes. Everyone in the whole guild goes completely silent.

"N-Natsu?" Erza asks shocked with tears in her eyes.

"Yo!" he says.

If anyone was holding anything it is now on the floor as they ran towards Natsu knocking him down and giving him a group hug... with the WHOLE entire guild.

After an hour of everyone crying, hugging, and asking him questions everyone finally calmed down enough to listen to what Natsu has to say. We all wait patiently for him to explain and I'm extremely curious too because he hasn't told me either about how he is still alive since he wanted to tell everyone at once.

"I'll try to explain this best I can because I myself just found because I just recently woke up. Well basically what the Celestial Spirit King told me was that spell he was saying wasn't meant to kill me, it was meant to teleport me to the Celestial Spirit World. While I was there they separated my soul from my body so they could extract E.N.D. from my body. The mustache man tried to explain how they took out my soul to me but I had no idea what he was saying." He says.

"Figures." Gray says. We all give him a death stare telling him to shut up and just listen so Natsu can continue.

"Anyways, while my soul and body were separated my soul was pulled away due to the spell Wendy was doing."

"N-Natsu-san I'm so sorry!" Wendy interrupts.

"Don't be! At the time I really thought I was dead and I was glad I got to say goodbye. When I disappeared again it was because they were ready to put my soul back in my body. I've been unconscious this whole time fighting the parts of E.N.D. they couldn't expel. When I woke up the Celestial King told me and then the other spirits about what happened. He didn't tell the other spirits because he didn't know if it was going to work since he knew that he wouldn't be able to expel all of E.N.D. that was within me and that it was up to me to get rid of the rest of him. He didn't know if I would wake up as me or as E.N.D., and if it turned out I woke up as him then the mustache man would have killed me. He didn't want to give you guys hope and to be felt in despair all over again if I wasn't me."

Now I understand why Loki was acting like that. Everyone else nods understanding his explanation.

I was still thinking about what he just told us when I suddenly remembered something, "Natsu, how could you of erased our memory of you!" I scream at him.

He sweat drops and rubs the back of my head. "Oh I thought you guys forgot about that." He says. "Like hell!" Gray screams. "Do you know how much pain you put us through by doing that!" Erza yells at Natsu.

"And how do you guys think you would have felt if you knew who I was while fighting me! I wasn't me then, I was E.N.D. the demon that wanted to destroy everything and kill everyone. Even though you guys knew what you had to do I doubt you would have been able to kill me or fight me with your full force. At the time erasing your memories seemed to be the best solution, I'm sorry for the pain I put you through but you have to look at it as my perspective too." Natsu finishes.

"I can see how you thought that, that was the best option but it was still a dick move." Gajeel says.

"Yeah, I know." Natsu answers.

Even though we are still pretty angry for what Natsu did we understood where he was coming from and decide to forgive him, besides that's not what's important, all that matters is that he's alive.

However an evil smirk suddenly forms on Natsu's face when looks at me and then turns to everyone else.

"And by the way, Luce and I are dating now so hands off!" He yells at everyone glaring specifically at the guys.

I blush madly and hide my face while half of the guild is squealing and the other half is congratulating us. Then there is Mira who is in her own category fangirling like crazy, and keeps repeating "NALU HAS FINALLY HAPPENED!"

Suddenly someone says something that pisses off Natsu and he throws a cup that accidently hits Erza, and from there it just went downhill.

Now there is flying furniture everywhere and everyone is screaming and fighting with each other.

I just stand there smiling to myself at the whole scene. 'Welcome home Natsu.' I think to myself as a table leg flies past my head barely missing me.

"Who threw that!" I yell while entering the brawl.


A/N- This was my first fanfiction and I am so happy that you guys liked it!

Thank you so much to everyone who commented, voted and read this story!

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