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Okay, well, let me say.. Hi. I'm so sorry my lovely readers, but it's wasn't an update, I'm so sorry...

Let me explain this, I was tagged by my beautiful eonni, @xolokims. You should follow her. She have some amazing ff and she's very kind and also... Cute. And I was very excited, but I think my English is not. It's terrible. Then, after I answer her questions, I'll tag 13 of my friends to answer this, Khukhukhu.

So, let's see the question...

1. Who's your bias?
MY LITTLE SHEEP YIXING IS MY BIAS YOW. Ah no, actually, he's not my bias, but my husband, Hahahaha. And Taehyung is my... Boyfriend?

2. What's your favorite kpop band?
Oh, of course EXO. Gosh, I don't know why, but arghhh.. I can't explain it in words. I just... Love them so bad. But, yeah BUT, few months ago, BTS got my attention. Eumm, maybe at skul love affair era? I like them, and try to not love them so bad *sorry*. I still love EXO the most.

3. Favorite song at the moment?
DON'T GO!! MY FAVORITE SONG IS DON'T GO, NOW OR LATER. I don't care if EXO sing 100 song, 1000 song in the future. Don't go is still the best. And I like some song too, like Sing For You (seriously, this song make me cry),  Butterfly, and If You.

4. What's your favorite color?
Hmm, there's many colors, but my fav are blue (like sky, blue can comfort me and make me happy and peaceful), red (of course), black (so me), and white (yeahhh)

5. Favorite food?
I don't have favorite food because I love to eat and I love all kind of food. But I'm not fat, anyway.

6. Who's your bias wrecker?
It's too many bias wrecker... But I'll choose two. THEY'RE JUNMYEON AND JIMIN! THEY'RE HAVE AMAZING ABS, SERIOUSLY. I LOVE THEIR ABS, HAHAHAHAHA. And for JUNMYEON, he's my bias wrecker because he's a mature person, I think. To be a leader of EXO is hard.

7. Favorite Band? (Besides Kpop)
Long time ago... I'm a Directioner. It's my adorable past, hahaha. I'm a directioner without knowing much about The Boys. And I love Louis so much. But now, yeah.. You understand, right?

8. Favorite animal?
Chicken!!  NONONO.. I'M KIDDING. I HATE CHICKEN. My fav are rabbit and cat. But sometimes, I feel disgust to both of that animal.

9. Apple or Oranges?
Besides both of them, I'll choose mango. But I love all kind of fruit.

10. GD or TOP?

May I choose both of them? If yes, I'll choose both of them and bring them to my room. If no, I'll choose the silly one, Taehyung.

12. White chocolate or milk chocolate?
Milk chocolate, of course.

13. BTS or EXO?
Why there's so many hard questions?! But, if I should choose, I'll choose EXO.  *sorry boys* but EXO and BTS are perfect. Am I right?

Okay, I'm done. HUWAA, sorry for terrible English, guys. You must be disgust to my bad English. And now, I'll tag 13 of my friends...













And the last, @lailaarmy

Okayyyyyy...  So, that's it. They're my friends and family. And for AFTER, just wait ya..


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