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"It's your first day of senior year! Would it kill you to crack a smile or something?" he teased me.

I looked at him and flashed a toothy grin which probably made me resemble Bobo the Clown whose specialty is appearing in kids' nightmares.

"Better?" I asked sarcastically.

"Much." he laughed.

I got out of the car and closed the door.

"Bye sweetie! Have fun!"

"Bye Dad!" I called back.

There I was. Ready to walk through the front doors of ThornHill High. Despite the fact that I had been at this high school since freshman year, I was beyond nervous.

I didn’t show up at school dressed the way I planned.

Actually that was an understatement.

I totally chickened out.

When I realized that leather, distressed denim and studs weren't exactly a good look for me, it was too late to change my mind. My dad said I had to complete at least the first semester before leaving. Honestly, I think he just doesn’t want me to miss out on my senior year. I'm almost certain he quoted Twilight during his last lecture. Something about it being a 'rite of teenage passage.' Why quote Edward though, doesn’t he know I'm Team Jacob?

I showed up at school wearing a typical Cara outfit. I didn’t see anything wrong with it.

So what if I ditched the whole makeover idea? All I had to do was get through one semester here and it would be off to university for me!

Its not like anyone would  notice me here. Well, except for Erika and her cronies that is.

My shirt was red today, maybe I'll blend in with the school lockers and they won’t even notice me.

Who knows, maybe they'll ignore me this year.

My morning classes went by fairly quickly.

It was only the first day back so teachers acknowledged the fact that we're all still in summer mode, although it’s probably just because they have a similar mindset themselves.

I managed to avoid any unwanted attention, I was sort of like a fly on the wall.

Things were going quite well, until lunch that is.

Lunch break was nearly over, so I was at my locker getting the books I would need for the afternoon classes.

"Better hurry or you'll miss the bell, nerd" she said in a condescending tone.

I ignored her and grabbed the books and binder I would need for my next class.

I stopped and checked my watch. I had time, but she was right. If I didn’t hurry, I would be late.

I was about to close my locker door, but she beat me to it.

"Thanks." I murmured.

"Don’t mention it" she said rudely.

I made a start to run to my next class, but something held me back.

I turned my head to see what was happening as I took another step in the direction of my class.

I heard a loud rip.

She had closed the locker door on my shirt.

"It looks better that way, doesn’t it?" she said and giggled with her friends as they proceeded to their next class.

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