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MINI RECAP: okay so some of Cara's family friends that she hasn't seen in forever came over and they told her how different she is. It really got her thinking, so she convinced herself to grow a pair and actually go through with the plan. She couldn't get ready in one night so she faked sick so she could ditch school. Instead of staying home drinking soup, she went shopping and stuff and then watched movies and youtube videos for tips and inspiration. Her dad came home and realized she's not actually sick so she decided to explain her crazy ass plan to him bc honesty is the best policy. Now it's time to put the plan in action...LET'S SEE WHAT HAPPENS TODAY


I barely got a wink of sleep last night, I was too nervous.
This is it.
It would take all my courage to walk through the doors. I had been going to ThornHill High since grade 9 so I should be used to this by now, but this time is different.

This time is the first time that I wouldn't be entering the school as nerdy Cara Wilson.
This time, my dad didn't drop me off at the entrance of the school. He dropped me off further away from the school and I had to walk the rest if the way. I'm  honestly so surprised he let me go through with this, I mean this plan sounded a lot less crazy in my head! He's been extremely protective over me ever since he became an only parent. I guess my explanations and reasoning behind the plan actually made sense to him.

 I took a deep breath and pushed the doors open. I ignored all the stares and walked straight to my locker. I debated whether or not I should take my books with me. Just because I wasn't going to be a nerd this year didn't mean I planned on failing my courses. I still have a career ahead of me!
I grabbed a couple of books and put them in my brand new backpack. It was black leather embellished with studs. Not my typical type of purchase, but that's part of the reason I love it. It's perfect for my plan. I closed my locker door and I was ready for class!
I hadn't quite decided how far I was going to take this act, but for now I was just going to play it safe.
So I showed up to all my morning classes on time. Not too early, but definitely not late.  The best part is that it is now lunch time, and I didn't have a single encounter with Erika yet. Either she didn't see me, or she just didn't recognize me today.
I took a seat at a random table in the cafeteria. I wasn't too sure what look I was going for yet, I was pretty much just going with the flow. But if bad boys can sit by themselves and still look cool, then why cant I?
I opened up my notebook and began to write. I forgot to buy a new one and the one I found at home was pretty much unused except for what I had already written today.
The only problem is that it is covered with Hello Kitty's face. I wasn't too sure how a cartoon kitty would match my new look but maybe no one will notice.
I continued writing where I had left off during last period. I had to record everything that happened as research for my paper.
"For someone who's trying to be a bad ass, you sure do a lot of studying"
I looked up and saw Jake.

"Just because I'm trying to be bad ass doesn't mean I need to fail all my courses" I said putting air quotes around the word trying.
"Okay, so you admit it. You're trying to be cool" he laughed as if the idea of me being cool was completely ludicrous.
I scoffed in return. "And just so you know," I continued," I'm not studying"
"Could've fooled me" he said. I shrugged him off and picked up my pen to continue writing.
"So I guess you're supposed to be one of those artistic bad asses then?" he sounded kind of rude so I didn't bother to answer. I guess he realized that I had no plans on answering so he continued talking.
"Didn't even know those existed.....Let's see what you're always writing about" he said mischievously.

Before I had time to react, my notebook was snatched out of my hands.
I looked up and saw him smirking at me.
This was only my first day with the plan!
I can't be exposed now!
I stood up and grabbed the notebook.
I must have caught him by surprise because it was quite easy to snatch it out of his hands.
Maybe my new leather jacket came with a new set of reflexes too.
He looked somewhat shocked but quickly regained his composure.
"Have it your way, nerd"
"Last time I checked, we weren't at Burger King" I said referring to the slogan in the advertisements.
Maybe my new jeans also came with some new confidence.
No wonder people love shopping so much.
"Fair enough" he chuckled.
"Oh and nice cats" he winked and walked away. Okay so people do notice Hello Kitty.
When he was gone I started to think about what he said. I guess he had a point. doing things the old fashioned way wouldn't really help me ditch my nerd reputation. Instead of writing, maybe I should just use my phone instead. That way I could take notes during class without looking nerdy. People would just think I'm being a rebel and using my phone in class.
Note to self: LOSE THE BOOK
If I actually want people to be convinced that my new look is more than just the result of doing laundry, I need to make things believable.
When I get to school tomorrow, Hello Kitty would long gone. and by long gone, I meant that my notebook would be safely tucked away in a drawer of my desk at home.
It's kind of sad now that I think of it, because I actually really like Hello Kitty. It's kind of like Disney, you're never too old for it!


sorry, I know I had this thing going where I updated almost everyday but I've actually been busy this past week ( I know I'm shocked too)

I'm sorry if it's getting kinda boring but if you guys have any ideas, don't hesitate to inbox me! I'll actually read them and reply and include them if I can! if I do use your ideas then dw you'll get creds :)


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