Lloyd Irving (Tales of Symphonia)

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Drew this in 9th grade when I was babysitting one of my moms' friends dog cause they were gone on vacation. My brothers were also there, and guess what?

I was studying for my very first high school finals.


I wasn't studying. I procrastinated by playing my favorite game of all time, even more than Pokemon.

If I say something more than Pokemon or food, it means I love it.

I was playing Tales of Symphonia. And watching anime. And videos. And reading fanfiction of Colloyd.

Uff, colloyd is my favorite pairing in the whole world, more than ikarishipping.

I love Tales of Symphonia. Love it. It's a GameCube game, but I get so many feels.

Lloyd's such a fucking hottie.

I'm gonna be honest, amourshipping and Colloyd are EXACTLY THE SAME THING. Except in two different games.

I'll explain it later, but I love Lloyd. Nuff said.

I only like the 1st game, the 2nd game sucks ass. It has two new characters to ship (EmilxMarta) and it's just SO BAD. I recommend playing the 1st game only cause it's so good.

Don't even bother with the 2nd game cause it's terrible, the graphics are horrible and all the original voices for the main characters in the 1st game are GONE. Replaced by people who sound like trash.

I'm rambling again. I promise I'll explain colloyd and amourshipping. If you play Tales of Symphonia, you should let me know. 

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